~Chapter Two~ Already In Trouble!

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  I really thought that when I agreed to this security assignment, that maybe...just maybe the Director would give me some leeway to prove that I was truly one of them now. I did the training, showed up early every morning. I didn't even try to make a run for it, even though I had plenty of chances and I knew that's what Barton and Romanoff were hoping I would do. But still, that wasn't good enough for him I guess. It didn't take me long to figure it out that Fury had secretly instructed Barton to keep an eye on me...just encase I decided to try anything. I'm sure he had been given the green light to shoot me if I did just that.

However, despite my disappointment I continued to do my job. Over the next couple of weeks, Barton and I carefully monitored Doctor Selvig and anyone else that he came into contact with, which wasn't very many people. The dozen scientist that were assigned to help him. A couple of Agents - myself, Barton, Coulson and that one with the salt and pepper hair that I could never seem to remember his name. He just always seem to be still and silent in one spot, and of course the cube.

This probably sounds bad, but I was starting to get real bored of this. I was quite surprised that nothing unusual seemed to happen with the tesseract. I mean, Fury didn't tell me much about the cube. I wasn't privy to that information. Again, because Fury did not fully trust me like I had thought. The only thing I was aware about the cube and that was only cause I over heard two of the white coats was that the cube harnessed energy from space. What Fury had planned for its use, was beyond me.

Well another long boring day was finally over. Doctor Selvig and the other scientist were putting their notes and stuff away for the night. I saw Barton zip-lined down his rope from his post and just couldn't resist saying something. "Oh, don't forget to tell Fury that I behaved myself for another day." I mocked, rolling my eyes.

"I don't have the slightest idea what your talking about, Rose." Barton said calmly in return.

I snorted at that. "Please! Don't lie. I'm not that stupid, Clint. I see you watching me up there from your perch, every time I make a slight move in my position. You think I'm gonna try to escape or steal the cube?"

I heard the slight snicker come from Barton at my sudden suspicious behavior like this was suddenly something new. "If I didn't no better Rose, I'd say you were paranoid. I thought you were use to people not trusting you."

And just like that the vicious cycle goes round and round. We both knew how to push each others buttons, and nobody better then Barton knew how much I hated being reminded that I was untrustworthy. So, yeah, okay I admit I had a messed up traumatizing childhood that led me to do the things that I did. But still, I think I've come a long way since then. I mean, I didn't tell them everything. Everyone has secrets. It was just safer for everyone if they didn't know everything about me.

"What no witty comeback this time?" Barton's voice called interrupting my deep thoughts about my whole life and how it had come down to this.

"Your a dick Barton." I muttered at him as I headed off in the direction of my living quarters. It wasn't much different to what I used to live in, except I had no lock or guard to keep me in. It was definitely a lot nicer then my cell. I had a decent bed, my own private bathroom and the best part a window to see outside. I stood by my window for just a minute, watching the sun going down for the day. I sighed before walking towards the bathroom to have a nice long hot shower. I came out an hour later, in my pajamas and my teeth brushed. I climbed into bed, laying on back staring at the ceiling for the longest time before closing my eyes, dreading what boring day laid a head of me tomorrow.

The early morning came faster then I wanted it to. I was dressed and down at the lab by six o'clock right on the dot. The scientist, Doctor Selvig were just setting up their equipment and placing the tesseract in the machine. Barton was up in his usual spot. I don't know why he thought he could see things better from afar but apparently it worked for him. Probably a good thing. We'd be at each others throats more often if we were in closer proximity. Coulson did his usual round, chitchatted with Barton and salt and pepper hair and then they would return to their post. Me, I just continued to stand in my cubical watching and listening to everything around me.

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