~Chapter Five~You Know Nothing

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 I slowly opened my eyes, only to immediately shut them again from the bright light that was shinning above me. I rubbed my eyes, before attempting to open them again, which only ended up making my vision blurry. Good job Rose! Great thinking. I cursed myself. I managed to squint my eyes this time and saw a black figure opening my cage door, and coming in. I sat up straighter, blinking a few times and saw it was Barton. He was carrying a tray. It had a glass of water and a decent looking sandwich. Clint didn't say a word to me as he put the tray down beside me.

"Since when do you let people order you around like a dog?" I asked firmly, looking right at Barton. He didn't answer and continued to walk towards the door of the cage. I got up from the ground. "Hey! Barton!" I called as I quickly caught up to him. He still proceeded to ignore me and I pushed him into the cage wall. "What's wrong with you!?" I demanded, not lowering the anger in my voice. In return he shoved me back and I grunted when I hit the ground. I heard the cage door closed and I looked up to see Loki standing on the other side, wearing his sly grin.

"Its pointless you know. Barton's not going to tell you anything." Loki informed me.

"Thanks for informing me, of the obvious." I said sarcastically. Loki continued to watch me curiously, his smirk only widening. "What did you do to him?"

"I'd say I've expanded his mind."

"Expanded his mind?" I repeated not seeing it at all. " If you call Barton bowing down like a dog expanding his mind, then I guess were all doomed." I stated, calmly.

"You must be starving. Eat." Loki insisted, although it sounded more like an order, then him just trying to be nice.

"Sorry. I don't generally take food from psychopaths." I replied rudely, rolling my eyes. I watch Loki narrow his eyes at me. His smirk had slightly faded, I guess he didn't like me calling him a psycho.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Loki, of Asgard. And I am--,"

" ,--burdened with glorious purpose." I finished for him. "Yeah, yeah, I remember you saying that right after you nearly knocked me out with your stupid stick." I hissed.

"This isn't a stick." Loki pressed, sounding insulted, as he glanced down at his weapon in his hand.

"Whatever. What are you? Are you an alien or something?" I questioned. Their was no way this guy was human. Not after his dramatic entrance from space and his clothing he was sporting, although it was working for him.

"I'm the God of Mischief."

I raised an eyebrow at him. I looked him up and down. He was joking right? " You're pretty scrawny for a god aren't you?" This pissed him right off. Rose, you idiot why must you speak your thoughts out loud. Your gonna get yourself killed if you keep pissing this guy off.

"I'm here to talk about you, not me." Loki declared, remaining calm, although I noticed he gripped his stick a little tighter.


"I believe you'll be of great use." He simple answered, not revealing anything, but his sly smirk had returned.

I decided to humor him. " In what way?"

"I hear your good at pretending to be other people. I could use someone with that ability."

"And, why exactly do you think I would help you?" I demanded, I don't know why I was so curious. Their was no way I would help, but I just had to know why.

"Because I can set you free."

I burst out laughing. This was not the response I was expecting. I honestly didn't know what response I was gonna get but this was not anywhere near the top of my list. "Free from what? I was free before you kidnapped me and locked me in this cage!" I shouted at him.

Manipulating Hearts - A Loki Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now