~Chapter Three~A Prisoner All Over Again

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 Everything felt heavy. My head. My eyes. My entire body felt like I had no control over it. My eyes were searching back and forth trying to find a way out of this darkness I seemed to be trapped in. Everything still seemed a bit fuzzy at the moment. I don't remember how I got here. How did I get here? Oh wait, I do remember how I got here.

The last thing I remember was fighting Barton, he seemed different. After he got forced with that blue energy from that magic stick, that was being wield by that Loki. It was like he wasn't himself, but yet looked and knew everything that Barton knew. Just like somehow he knew it was me and not the person I was pretending to be. Then, stupid me took off running, like I was gonna get far. I half expect Barton to shoot me in the back, but it was the complete opposite. I felt this tingling sensation that numbed my entire body and I collapsed to the ground. Barton must of tasered me. But how? I didn't feel anything hit me and then someone else stuck something in my neck and it goes blank after that.

However, the sedative that I was injected with must be starting to wear off because I could faintly here voices around me and feeling seemed to be slowly returning to me. I started to blink my eyes a few times before they eventually opened and I instantly closed them when a beam of light shinned right in my face, for a few seconds and then it was gone. I opened my eyes again, staring up above me which wasn't much when I felt myself rock slightly back and forth and another beam of light crossed my face and I realized I was in a vehicle. Great, so this means we made it out of the building before it collapsed. Though, I wondered if Fury and the others were just as lucky?

I heard the voices speaking among me again. This time more clearly, and I recognized the ones in the front. One for sure was Barton, the other sounded like Doctor Selvig, but I wasn't really sure about the one beside me. I made the mistake by letting a moan escape my lips as I tried to move.

"She's waking up." The man beside me informed. I knew that voice. It was salt and pepper hair. He was still alive! Of all people, why did it have to be this moron? I felt him grab my arm, trying to hold me steady. I was still pretty weak from the sedative so it didn't take much to hold me still.

"Here!" The Doctor called, handing a syringe to the agent holding me.

"No! Please!" I screamed, struggling for the few seconds before I felt the object enter my skin and once again everything went black.

The SHIELD truck eventually came to a stop in the late night when it arrived at the destination. I was somewhat awake, but my whole body still felt numb. I heard the back door of the truck open and I was being pulled out of the vehicle. My legs hit the gravel road and I was suddenly being dragged away by two people.

As I was being taken away the truck exploded behind me. Probably Barton's doing, or even that Loki. Not that I knew for sure. I was too weak as it was to even lift my head to see where I was going, let alone to look behind me.

We entered an abandon warehouse it looked like. Their was very little lighting. It appeared their was already others here. Setting up equipment and better lighting. " Put her over there." Barton ordered the two dragging me and we suddenly went off the path to the right towards a chair and they pulled me up on it and started strapping my arms and legs before I gained total control of my body.

"Stop! What are you doing!?" I shouted, trying to pull my arms free, but it was useless.

"Tell me Agent Barton. Why take him?" Loki questioned, coming up beside the agent, looking at me. I looked at him confused for a second when it dawned on me that I was still impersonating a male SHIELD guard.

"He is actually not a he at all sir. He's a She." Barton informed. Now Loki was the one that had the confused look on his face. Surely Barton knew the difference between a he and she. Barton looked at me. " Show him." He ordered. When I didn't do so, Barton held up a small looking device in his hand and pressed the button on it. I suddenly felt that same tingly feeling I got that made me collapse back at the NASA Base. The pain was tolerable, but how long was I going to keep this up was the question.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I stated. Barton saw in my eyes that wasn't going to just give up that easily and he did it again. How he was doing it, was beyond me. Unless... did Fury have me chipped without me realizing it? I guess he really didn't trust me as much as he claimed. After the third time of being shocked, my breathing started to get heavier. I was growing tired fast, but I still wasn't going to shift back.

"Perhaps we can just go to more extreme measures. Either you show who you really are or Barton puts one between your eyes." Loki suggested looking at Barton. The agent then reached for his Glock and pointed it right between my eyes, and I continued to look at him as calm as ever. When that didn't scare me, he then cocked the gun, his finger ready to squeeze the trigger. I saw from the corner of my eye, the smirk that had formed on Loki's face, the others didn't see it but he noticed my form went tense at the sound of the gun cocking. Loki opened his mouth slightly about to give the order.

"Alight!" I shouted in defeat. Barton removed his weapon from my face and I closed my eyes, concentrating as I slowly shape-shifted back into my true self. It was more painful then it looked. Every time I changed appearances it felt like it was ripping out my insides and my head was going to explode.

"So your a shape-shifter." Loki indicated, sounding intrigued as he came closer to me. "What's your name my dear?" He asked. I didn't answer. I didn't see the point for pleasantries. This Loki couldn't really be that interested in who I was.

"Her name is Rose Morgan." Barton told and I turned and glared at him. "Sir, that chip in her arm is a GPS tracker. If we don't remove it soon, SHIELD will be able to track our whereabouts." He also informed and my eyes widen. I couldn't believe I had been chipped. I honestly shouldn't be this shocked about it but I was. If Fury didn't trust me as much as he claimed then why did he remove me from my cell?

"Well, then. We don't want that." Loki implied. Barton called the doctor over and handed Selvig a scalpel, before coming over to my left arm and rolling up my sweater. Barton pointed to the spot where the chip had been implanted.

Selvig placed the blade of the scalpel on my skin and looked at me before continuing. " Now this might hurt just a little." The Doctor told me. I felt the blade enter my skin, blood started to come out and I instantly tensed and gave a short cry of pain until the Doctor removed the blade. He then asked for some tweezers and sure enough he pulled this microchip out of my arm.

"Once your done bandaging her arm, put her in the cage." Loki ordered looking right at me, before leaving to oversea other matters. Selvig gave the chip to Barton to destroy so SHIELD would have no way of tracking them. The Doctor had my arm bandaged up just as Barton returned with Agent salt and pepper hair and got him to untie my restraints while he made sure I didn't try anything. Even if I wanted to try something, it would be useless. My shape-shifting abilities were no match for the circumstance I was suddenly caught in. I really had no idea who or what I was dealing with and I had no allies. And for all I know, everyone at SHIELD had been buried when the NASA Base collapsed in on itself.

Salt and pepper hair untied my last restraint and Barton pulled me by my arm towards the cage Loki had mention. Clint unlocked the door and tossed me inside and I fell to the ground. He closed the door and locked it by the time I got up and walked away. Great, I thought. This was just great. I was a prisoner all over again.

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