~Chapter Four~Tell Me Everything

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[Loki's P.O.V.]

The entire truck ride, I tried to figure out what possible reason Barton would have to take that SHIELD guard. Because of him, the building nearly collapsed on us. Agent Barton better have a good reason why he thought it was a good idea to bring someone who wasn't under my control. We finally made it to the new location and I ordered Barton to destroy any tracking devices that Fury and his idiotic team could use to track our location.

I climbed off the bed of the truck and saw the doctor and that other agent pull out the guard from the backseat. It appeared whoever this was, was still incapacitated by whatever sedative Selvig had used and they started dragging him up the path to the warehouse. I followed closely behind, after Barton set the vehicle on fire and we went inside.

The two mortals then started strapping his arms and legs to the chair and that's when I decided to question Barton. "Tell me Agent Barton. Why take him?" I questioned calmly as I approached the agent and turned my attention to our newest guest.

"He is actually not a he at all sir. He's a She." Barton informed me and I looked at him, hoping he was joking. He thought this hideous fool was a she? I watched agent Barton take a step towards the guard who had yet to say a word, which made me wonder if it was possible. "Show him." I heard Barton order. The guard remained ever so calm and I watch Barton pull out a small looking device with his finger on the button. And the guard's form stiffen like he was in pain.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." The SHIELD guard declared. Barton tasered him a few more times. This guard was accustomed to pain it appeared. This one might be hard to break. I was really getting impatient and decided to help speed up the process.

"Perhaps we can just go to more extreme measures. Either you show who you really are or Barton puts one between your eyes." I threatened in a serious tone, looking at Barton to get on with it. Barton pointed his weapon right at the guards head. Apparently he didn't scare easily either...or she. I was still waiting to see if Barton was right. I gave Barton a slight nod to go further and the agent cocked the gun and I gave a slight smirk when I saw the mortal's form tense. This he or she looked at me, probably trying to see if I would actually make Barton go through with it and my smirk only grew as I started to open my mouth to give the go ahead.

"Alright!" The guard shouted. Barton put away his weapon and I waited. The guard closed his eyes and his face soon started to take on a more feminine look. Barton was right. This was a she. And surprisingly an attractive one...for a mortal. I watched her curiously as she opened her eyes and I knew exactly what she was.

"So your a shape-shifter." I said knowingly and came closer to her. "What's your name my dear?" I asked her next, watching the glare form on her delicate face. She didn't seem at all that terrified, like she had been in this situation before or similar to it. From what I saw earlier, this girl was unlikely to give up any information easily.

"Her name is Rose Morgan." Barton informed me. She was no longer looking at me, but her glare deepened at Barton. Unfortunately Barton had no choice but to tell me everything. His mind was under my control. First things first, I need to learn everything I can about this shape-shifter. She could be useful, if SHIELD decides to interfere with my plans for earth. But then again, she could be more trouble then she's worth. My thought's were interrupted by what Barton said next. "Sir, that chip in her arm is a GPS tracker. If we don't remove it soon, SHIELD will be able to track our whereabouts."

"Well, then. We don't want that." I declared and Barton immediately called the doctor over and handed him a scalpel. I watch Barton then go to Rose's left arm, rolling up her sweater and pointed to the spot for the doctor. I didn't think much of it at first until I saw the look of shock that had covered this girl's face. Their was no way she was faking it.

"Now this might hurt just a little." The doctor told her and he cut into her skin. Then there it was. The chip. She looked horrified and I started to wonder what else SHIELD may have not told her. I knew I would never get anything out of her...not easily anyways, but their was one person who would know everything about her, if not more.

"Once your done bandaging her arm, put her in the cage." I ordered, before walking off to see how the others were making out. The doctor had given Barton the chip to destroy so SHIELD wouldn't be able to track them. By the time I made my way back, Barton had just shoved her into the cage, locked it and walked away.

I stopped by an empty table that was across the room from the cage and sat on the edge of it. I watched as Rose got up from the ground and she turned around towards the door. She must not of liked me observing her, cause she instantly turned away and sat in the far corner of the cage. "Barton." I called. The agent came over. "What can you tell me about this Rose Morgan? Tell me everything." I asked, looking in Roses direction, who was trying to look everywhere, but in my vicinity.

"Well sir, she was a prisoner of SHIELD, before she became an agent." Barton said.

"Really? And what did she do to end up as their prisoner?" I never would have guest she had been a prisoner and I found myself wanting to know more.

"She was caught breaking into places and stealing stuff. The local authorities could never figure out how she would just up and vanish in their custody and that's when SHIELD got wind of these strange occurrences and when she got arrested, Fury intervened after he caught her on camera shifting into a different appearance and found out what she was." He said.

"What else?" I demanded, turning my attention to the agent. Barton started typing on a nearby computer, pulling up SHIELD's files, specifically Rose's and printed off the file. It wasn't huge, not much was known about her, except for the little things she mentioned. I took the papers from Barton and allowed my mind to soak up the information. Apparently she was living on the streets since she was twelve, cause she was thrown out by her father according to her. The parents claim she was taken when she fourteen after school. SHIELD imprisoned her when she was sixteen, for six years and tortured her. " What did Fury want with her?"

"Fury wanted her to use her ability, working for SHIELD. For six years she refused. Fury and the others tortured her, locked her in a tiny cell, trying everything to get her to tell them if their were others like her. Rose claims she was born with the ability, but Fury seems to think otherwise. As far as SHIELD could tell, her parents seemed normal...unless she was--"

"unless she was adopted." I cut Barton off. Interesting I thought. I know all about being lied about who you really are. "And why did she look extremely surprised to learn she was chipped?" I asked, looking back at the cage. Rose had her back pressed up against the bars of the cage. She looked exhausted, and would more then likely pass out here soon.

"Most of SHIELD said they would not work with her, because of what she is and capable of. She spends an awful lot of her time using her trickery, pretending to be other agents after studying them so long, you would never know it was her. Then theirs the ones that thought she would want revenge for locking her up and torturing her. So Fury got her chipped, just encase she decided to escape we could always locate her. Or if other agents felt like she was becoming a threat, one press of that button would send a shock wave through her system, temporarily paralyzing her body functions long enough to stop her." Barton also explained.

"So she's still a prisoner. Fury never intended for her to have her freedom at all did he?" I indicated as my plan came together in my head. This was perfect. The shape-shifter was already somewhat doubtful after seeing that chip in her arm. The seed was planted, I just needed to feed into it and everything SHIELD was planning to do could blow up! They would have their hands full dealing with a vengeful shape-shifter, leaving me to fulfill my purpose of ruling earth.

I got up from the table and turned to the side to look at Barton"We have lots of work to do Agent Barton. See to it that Doctor Selvig get's whatever he needs." I told him and Barton nodded and headed in the doctors direction. "I'll wait for the sleeping shifter to awaken and begin her interrogation." I muttered to no one in particular, and looked over at the passed out mortal in the cage. 

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