~Chapter Seven~Not Again!

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 I closed my eyes in concentration for the fifth time, and nothing again. I couldn't shift! I could feel my head vibrating and my forehead tightening and I still for the life of me couldn't morph, not even into a rock if I wanted to. " I told you, it's temporary. You can't shift." Loki informed, standing in front of me. I opened my eyes, didn't really have a particular expression on my face. I wasn't really pleased that Loki had yet again managed to sneak up on me again without me realizing it. I wonder how long he had been standing there, watching me trying to shift with all my might, before deciding to speak.

"How long is temporary?" I demanded. I was so done with these small talks.

Loki just shrugged his shoulders at me. "The doc wasn't specific on that part and I didn't ask." He informed me.

"Well thank you, you are so helpful. You know, if you're so worried about me, shifting and...miss behaving why haven't you done what ever it is you did to the rest of them?" I questioned arrogantly.

"Because this is much more fun" He stated with a cocky grin. I gave a sarcastic laugh back and my expression quickly fell back to a more annoyed look.

"Sir, we are ready to go." Barton declared, from behind Loki.

"Good. I just have one thing left to take care of." Loki proclaimed. Barton nodded to him and left to go do who know's what. I watched as Loki opened the door to my cage and I narrowed my eyes at him. He started walking towards me and backed me up into the corner of my cage until I had no where to go. Nice going Rose, way to get yourself cornered like an animal.

"What are you doing?" I demanded, nervously.

"I'm curious to know why you trust them so much? They've wronged you in so many ways and yet, you still think, they actually want you as one of them." The God of Mischief pressed.

"I told you. Fury gave me a second chance and I took it." I insisted firmly looking Loki right in the eyes. It was quiet for a few seconds and I watched as the God of Mischief's brows slightly narrowed, and his expression said it all. He did not believe me for one second.

Again I was not expecting it at all when the palm of his hand darted to my forehead and that sick twisted feeling of déjà vu was happening all over again.

I was lying on my side on a terribly uncomfortable bed. That's if you could call it a bed. I was in my cell. I heard the cage door open and footsteps were coming towards me and the next thing I knew I was being drenched in freezing, cold water. I spat the water out, and glared at the people who were responsible for this. Fury, salt and pepper hair, and Barton. 'You ready to talk this time'?" Fury asked. I was silent with a smug grin on my face and the two other agents yanked me to my feet and dragged me out of my cell. I don't remember this at all? Why don't I remember this?

We headed down the long corridor. Other agents and desk workers all stopping what they were doing as we passed them. We entered a room called '214'. The door closed behind us and they strapped me down to chair. Fury grabbed a chair and placed it down in front of me, and he took a seat. I sat there as calm as can be as the cuffed my wrists to the chair. 'How many of you, are there?' Fury's deep authoritative voice demanded. My eyes fell to the cement floor for a second, debating on answering and I blinked before I returned my gaze on him.'

I'm not telling you anything.' I said flatly.

'Don't make this harder then it has to be Miss Morgan. Just tell us what we need to know.' The Director demanded again. I leaned back in my chair.

'Well, I'm not going to make this easier for you. So get on with whatever it is you're going to do to me.' I told them. Fury stared at me with a blank expression for the longest time and looked over at the two guards and nodded. They left and came back shortly pushing a cart into the room. There was an electricity box on top with jumper cables attached to it. One of the guards was putting on gloves and had a wet sponge connected to the other end of the cable and placed it on my chest.

'Last chance,' Fury warned.

'Well. Get on with it.' I said through clenched teeth. The other guy turned on the machine, the electricity buzzes and I start howling in pain like a tortured animal. They shut it off and Fury asks me again as I'm panting and I gave no response and he looked at his men again and they turned the machine on again, upping the voltage this time and I only scream louder, trying to get loose. I slumped back against the chair when the machine shuts off again, I was almost spent, but I wasn't going to give in. They turned it on again for the third time, this time on the highest voltage. No normal human could handle that much electricity going through their body, but then again I wasn't normal. 'S-stop. Please stop!' I screamed at them finally. Fury nodded for his men to do so and I stopped screaming and take a few minutes to catch my breath.

I fell back against the cage bars and looked up at Loki realizing it was over. Again, I don't remember going through this event. I mean Fury tortured me, but nothing to that extent that I remembered. "Will you seriously stop doing that! Stop putting fake memories in my head to turn me against SHIELD, it's not going to work." I yelled at him as I slowly stood up.

Loki chuckled at me. "Oh, I don't plant memories, I only bring them to light. Everything you saw is in your own head, love." He informed me, with a smug grin on his face. I looked at him somewhat confused, how could any of this be my own memory if I don't even remember it? "It's very interesting." Loki said, looking right at me. I narrowed my eyes at him. What did he mean by that? "Let's go."

"I'm not going anywhere." I said firmly.

"Yes, you are." Loki ordered, and he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the cage and pushed me in front of me.

"God, so bossy." I muttered loud enough for him to hear and he smirked to himself as he came by my side and held on to me as we met up with Barton and the others and I wondered where the hell we could possibly be going now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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