Chapter 4

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A/N: Wassup! Everyone! I'm back after another long hiatus! How's everyone doing during these troubling times? Its been a real doozy for me to be honest especially as of late as one of my higher-ups at my job at UPS caught the dreaded Coronavirus and him along with his colleagues are in quarantine. Not to mention some of my friends are dealing with tragedies due by the virus. I don't wanna drag on with it but I just want to let you all know that we're all in this together and that you're not alone. Stay strong as this will soon pass and we will grow stronger by this! Love all of you here on FF!

The figure takes out a cell phone and takes a picture of the two and does a quick text message with the newly acquired picture as an attachment with a caption that read,

'Unexpected Rival?'

The figure then took out a pair of dimensional scissors from their back pocket and exits to another location and right at the nick of time as the figure would've been by the incoming rollercoaster.

Jackie's POV

I know it was a bit much kissing Marco on the cheek but that was the first thing that came to mind to make him keep quiet. I mean I guess covering his mouth could have sufficed as well. Oh my God, I hope that doesn't complicate things between us again though. We had just been getting closer too. Oh, what the hell am I kidding? of course it's going to complicate things, a simple rejection from me caused him to...

I don't want that to happen again. You know what? Before this gets out of hand, I'm going to nip this in the bud. Yep, that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Well, at least that's what I was about to do as we head to the parking lot. To be honest it was almost like Marco and I had a personality switch for a second as I was nervous and not able to start the conversation, but everything just came to him as he apparently could see me trying to make sure there are no misunderstandings.

"Don't worry Jackie I know, I'm not going to overreact about it."

Those words made me look at Marco with what I feel to be a smidge of surprise on my face. It was enough surprise on my face for Marco to notice.

"Well, that's not the response I thought I was going to get it, but I guess I'll take it."

I didn't know what to say other than

"Sorry about that it's just that you know..."


Marco with no hesitation drapes his arm over Jackie's shoulder bringing him and the blond skater girl closer to each other.

"Yeah... I know ... far too well actually,"

That comment from the Latino made Jackie drop her head in shame as she remembers the state Marco was in after he and she had a 'misunderstanding' and that memory still tears her up when she thinks about it.

It was terrible! The two were supposed to just go to the school dance as friends and before you know it one thing led to another and then it happened... The Kiss. It happened in the middle of the dance floor. They were just chatting while dancing, then before you know it a few things were revealed by Marco to Jackie and then in front of everybody, they kissed for everyone to see and the result of it all? A sudden push and the oh dreadful,

'S-Sorry but I don't like you like that'

didn't help the situation in any shape or form. But after a long while of sulking, Marco slowly got out of his depressed funk and back to his usual self. But man, o man it was a doozy for a while.

"But no worries everything still cool. Besides I learned a lot about myself because of it, so it was pretty much a blessing in disguise. So how about you go ahead and lift your head up and show me that cool smile you always grace everyone with."

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