Intro #1

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Shoto Todoroki

It was like any other day. The sun was shinning, Tokoyami was chirping. Everything was beginning wonderfully for this fine day. That was until the phone ring. His phone specifically. Todoroki looked at his phone and saw his fathers number. With a cold sigh he answer it, "Yes, Hello?". Almost instantly his fathers deep, practically booming voice rang into his ear. He was used to this so it didn't really affect him. He simply held the phone away slightly as he heard his father practically yelling at him. "Shoto!! I have arranged a quirk marriage for you. We'll be having dinner with the family at our house 7 sharp. Don't be late Shoto and dress respectfully." With that his father hung up not even waiting for an answer, he flat out assumed Shoto had heard him and was going to do as told.
     The walking candy cane sighed and stood in annoyance. He knew his father had been searching for a suitable partner for him. He personally thought it was all garbage, why did he have to hav a quirk marriage so young? Why did he even have to have a quirk marriage at all? Granted if left completely up to him Shoto would probably just ignore the idea forever. After witnessing his mother and fathers abusive relationship and his relationship with Shotos siblings and himself he really wasn't in an rush to get married. Or even find a girlfriend for that matter. But now his father was expecting him to both jump straight to marriage and just start having children? Disgusting. He didn't want a single part of it.
       But his mother wanted him to do this as well. Despite being forced into one herself she did love her children. And she knew her baby boy Sho wouldn't just settle down and start a family without an arranged marriage. She had complete faith that after watching how his father treated her and his siblings Sho would treat his own wife and children different.
         Shoto got up and began to pull on an outfit for their indoor gym. It was only 3 he did have 4 hours. He made his way to the indoor gym and scowled some staring at the door. He saw flashes of memories, him being brutally trained despite being a child, his mother panicking over him, his siblings failing time and time again...he honestly regretted every moment he had spent in this damned gym when he was younger. But now, he honestly appreciated the ability to use it. Being the son of the Number One hero made it practically impossible to train anywhere outside of his house. Every time he stepped foot in this gym he was either fuming mad or simply forced. Clearly it wasn't the latter today.
      The only reason he had agreed to a quirk marriage was to appease his mother. He knew she wanted him to be happy and knew she wanted him to experience the joys of a family with plenty of children and a loving wife. Something she, sadly, didn't exactly get to live out. He knew he would come to at least respect his future wife with time and that was enough...right?
       He kicked the hanging punching bag roughly as he imagined his horrid fathers face instead of the bag. This kick made the chains holding it snap and it flew across the room landing in the corner. Shoto smirked a little as he thought of doing that to his father. He walked over and picked up the punching bag. It didn't take much effort for him but it was still fairly heavy in his well toned arms. He stared down at the bag in anger. How he wanted to break this stupid marriage off already.
       He looked at the clock and was surprised to see it read 5:30 PM. He sighed and shoved the bag into the corner with another broken bag, this one was burnt to nearly a crisp but somehow still hadn't quiet died yet. He walked out of the indoor gym and made his way to his room, grabbing a change of clothes on the way to his adjoining bathroom. He closed and locked the door to the bathroom. Although he didn't expect anyone to walk into his room even it was simply a habit most people had made and he was no exception.
      He started the shower letting it get to a high temp as he began to undress. He pulled off his shirt first pulling it up and over his well sculpted abs and pecks then slid it off from around his neck where it had gathered. Next he unbuckled his pants and slide them down past his muscled thighs and forelegs leaving his boxers on for the moment. He stuck his right hand into the water making sure it was warm enough for his icy side. Once he was satisfied with the temp he discarded his boxers into the dirty clothes hamper next to his bathroom sink. He stepped inside quickly and sighed in relief as he felt the hot water wash over him cleaning away his sweat and stent he from the gym. He made sure to wash himself properly including his hair. Altogether his shower lasted around a half an hour, simply because he liked to make sure he was thoroughly clean, especially before meeting his forced wife to be.    
      He prayed to All Might he would enjoy her company at the least. He had now fear about her features seeing as his father had picked her and this alone made him know the simple fact that she would be beautiful, not at it really mattered to him much. He pulled the towel around his hips and walked to the bathroom counter. He wiped the mirror some with a hand as to at least attempt to see in it. This gave him about 30 seconds to actually see himself clearly.
       He gave a small "hmph" noise in annoyance at the mirror fogged again. He didn't care he didn't need to do anything to himself. He had no facial hair yet, he was only 18 after all. He got dressed quickly in the clothes he had picked for the dinner and walked out. He stood in his bedroom and picked up his phone reading the time. "6:38...this better be over quickly.." he sighed to himself and left his read beginning to head to the large dinning hall where he knew he was to await his bride to be's entrance.
        He stopped in the doorway and practically glared at his father from the other side of the room. The Number One hero simply stared blankly at his son waiting for him to take his seat near his own. He watched the boy walk over examining him as he did, once Shoto sat down Endeavor gave a small nod of satisfaction before speaking. "Now Shoto this isn't simply some kind of date. You will marry her, no questions." He gave the boy a stern look now before turning to look at his own wife who sat at the table across from Shoto. Rei smiled to her son wanting him to smile as well.
       She knew this wasn't what he really wanted but much like him she really didn't have a choice in the matter. After a few moments of silence there was a loud ring of the door bell. Endeavor stood at the head of the table as his wife and son stayed seated. Shoto watched the dinning hall entrance intensely, waiting to see his bride to be.

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