The Training

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The Training

     The day and night came and went quick. And as the next day arose and all students made it to their respective classes they all wondered what today had in store. Soon after all the student were sat Aizawa walked in. He sighed in annoyance, honestly he didn't know why he became a teacher. He just wanted to sleep most the time.
      He stood in front of the class and simply stated "Today's class is going to be doing hero training. You'll be split into pairs. Get on your hero suits and meet me at training ground gamma. Hurry up" and with that he left the room. The students shouted in happiness wondering what they'd be doing today for training as they made their way to the changing rooms.
      As they each made their ways out of the respective changing rooms they chatted amongst themselves. Having been in another hero course Shoto already had a hero costume. He'd tweaked it after he met Momo and she made him believe using his fire was alright. He'd changed it from ice covering half of his being to just a plain blue with little attributes that simply weren't needed but looked well together. He'd made sure it was fire proof as well however.
       When they came to the training ground Aizawa way standing there waiting. He waited till everyone was there before speaking. He explained the hero training for the day. Shoto understood it simply as, more or less, quirk control in an enclosed, populated environment. Something he excelled at with his right but not really his left even if he was beginning to use it more.
Aizawa made the groups. It was nothing new for him and he tried to switch it up every so often. He put Bakugou with Kirishima, Iida with Midoriya, Shoto with Momo, and so on. He tried to keep the most destructive students with ones who would try to minimize damage. He knew that usually didn't mean to be destructive but it always seemed to happen.
Today was to be one on one fighting. "Hero vs villain", Shoto was told they'd done something like this before with All Might. It happened today that Shoto was to play the hero and Momo the villain. He didn't like the idea of fighting with her, even for training. He didn't think her weak or anything he just knew he had barely any control of his left and she'd expect him to not hold back. He didn't want to disappoint her at all.
They weren't first so as they watched as the other went before them. Some were worse then others like Bakugou, he had throw his partner through one of the walls nearly collapsing half the build as he hit the support beams! And poor Midoriya had missed his mark a few times and had broken a few walls and windows himself. Mina had melted plenty of things not personally caring where she flung her acid around. She was care free and Shoto wished he could have a mentality more like hers at times.
When it was their turn to fight Momo was to set up first since she was to be the villain. When Shoto was told to enter he tried to freeze the whole building but his fiancé was ready for this. She made a fire within the room where she was to keep it from being frozen over. When Shoto found where she was she was prepared. She had an unmeltable pole and shield made to fight with him.
Once she saw him walk in she charged at him trying to surprise him, he instinctively shot ice at her from his right side to which she rolled out of the way of. She stood and tried to charge at him again to which this time he let her get in close before grabbing the pole from her taking her by surprise.
She jumped back and placed a hand to her chest as it began to glow as she created a smoke bomb. She threw it after pulling the pin, Shoto noticed this and tried to duck out of the room before it went off. Momo followed him quickly and soon caught up with him, she quickly made something to throw to trip him up. He didn't let her get the chance, he quickly turned and grabbed her free arm turning her towards the wall shoving her into it fairly roughly. He didn't mean to hurt her and hoped he hadn't but the only noise she made was one of confusion.
He quickly took out the capture tape they had been given at the beginning of this exercise. He made quick work of tying her wrists together with it and making sure she couldn't escape from the tape or him. She tried to think of a plan before realizing nothing would work, she would have to give up and sadly she did just let. She let him win their training.
He began to untie her, apologizing as he did for being forceful with her. As he spoke monotonously he couldn't see her cheeks tinting a slight pink from their positioning. When he had finally undone the binding they exited to building and when back to the room watching the rest of the classes training. Momo couldn't get theirs however out of her head. She couldn't believe how close and forceful he had been. She wasn't upset what so ever with him just more surprised and excited by it. She half wanted him to act that way again.
When class was finally excused for the day they all went to their respective changing rooms. Momo still couldn't get it out of her head. She was sure she wanted him to do it once more. She'd have to talk to him about it later for now she hold hear yelling in the room over. It was the pervert of the class, god she disliked him. Jirou, one of her closest friends who's quirk allowed her to hear things very well if she simply plugged her earphone jacks into a surface, had plugged her earphone jack into the wall. Mineta was yelling about some hole in the wall and seeing all the girls. She was disgusted by his behavior and was about to make something to cover the hole until all the girls heard a pained scream from the pervert.
They wouldn't find out until after they all left the changing room that Shoto had set Mineta on fire in anger from his actions. Later that day Momo asked him why he had done it and he had simply stated "I don't want anyone talking about my fiancé or her friends that way". She smiled about it, she found it cute and slightly possessive but really enjoyed it. She slowly got up the courage to ask him what she'd been waiting to since earlier. "Hey Sho.." she started her voice low and slightly scared. He looked up at her "Ya Momo?" He replied his voice monotonous as usual. "Today in training...when you shoved me against the wall...would you act like that again sometime?" She kept her eyes and voice down as she spoke.
He stared at her silently for a long while. Well it seemed long but in reality it was only a few moments before he spoke up "is that what you want me to do?"

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