The Meeting

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The Meeting

The two older teens stared at each other simply. To Momo he was the most handsome man she'd ever seen and was over joyed to be his bride...but to Shoto he simply didn't see her as his wife to be.
He felt she simply looked just to bubbly and happy for him. He began to fear his one wish of at least wishing to enjoy her company might be in danger. He didn't like bubbly, he wanted silence, to be left to his own devices when he wanted, she didn't look like she was that type.
He begrudgingly sucked it up for his mother and slowly stood, he faced her parents first and bowed to them politely before bowing to his wife to be and taking her hand. He slowly lifted it to his mouth and planted a gently kiss upon it noticing his wife to be's cheeks turning a light pink at the action. He stood again and introduced himself to her. "I'm Shoto Todoroki...please call me Shoto miss..." he waited for her response giving a polite smile as he did, she soon found her words a little surprised by his actions.
She was sure she had seen anything but happiness in his eyes...maybe she was wrong? She smiled and spoke softly "I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, please call me YaMomo or just Momo whichever you prefer Shoto-kun". He nodded and pulled out her seat politely for her then pushed it back in when she sat upon it before taking his own seat scooting in a little.
His dislike for her had decreased when he heard her was like music to his ears really. He looked across to his mother and gave her a gentle smile his mother relaxing afterwards all worry about this union leaving her. Momos parents seated themselves across from the engaged teens.
They seemed to relax some as well, they had had no fear of their daughter enjoying her suitor either way but small fear that the suitor wouldn't enjoy her. Endeavor soon sat as well, he even seemed a small bit relieved at Shotos actions. He called for a few servants to begin bringing in their dinner and to get everyone their drink of choice.
After a few moments of silence the servants began to bring in tray after tray of delicacies, deserts and requested drinks. Each person took what they thought was most appealing by look or smell each was pleasantly happy with their choices.
While the parents of the engaged parties spoke among themselves the two teens began to converse as well. "So can you tell me about your quirk? My father said I'd have plenty of time to ask you myself" Shoto spoke first watching the black haired girl as she reached for his hand placing hers on top of it and making a small toy shaped like a dog. "My quirk is called Creation. I can create anything I want as long as it's not living and I know the genetic make up!" This time Shotos cheeks went a small pink color as he listened to her speak, honestly he liked her voice more then he thought he would. He guessed it was his turn now. "I can make fire from my left and ice from my right. I can use both at once if I really concentrate. I'm not very great with my fire honestly. There was a long while I refused to use it" he looked into her eyes as he spoke in a monotone careless voice. She enjoyed it though, so far she enjoyed everything about him and she hopped he enjoyed her as well.
"That's a beautiful quirk Shoto-kun! Can you make things with your ice or is it to hard to do that?" She asked him curiously her eyes lighting up. "Well...I can try but I'm not that great at control like that." He put her hand on hers now and began to focus deeply. Soon he pulled his hand away and smiled as she saw a clear ice rose in her hand. Momos cheeks flushed a little as she looked at the Rose, she smiled happily before pulling a similar rose but metal out of her palm, she handed it to the heterochromatic male. "I'll keep mine for as long as it lasts. It's very beautiful" she lifted the rose in her hand inspecting it gently as to not shatter it.
      After about another hour of both parties, the finances and adults, enjoying and finishing their food and drinks Endeavor stood up and raised a wine glass a servant had placed by him just seconds earlier as similar ones were sent by all others at the table, including the fiancés. Endeavor kept his glass raised as he waited for everyone else to raise theirs then looked to the fiancés, his deep voice echoing in the room "A toast to my son, Shoto and his fiancé Momo!" Everyone clinked their glasses together before drinking each of their respective glasses.
     Sadly, the end of the evening was closing in. The parents of the teens began to talk about an actual wedding date being set. They seemed to be pushing it about a year or so into the future wanting the two to become close in that time.
While the four parents laughed and talked about dates and planning already the two fiancés made their way outside. Shoto held her arm gently in a gentle man like way as he led her to the garden. Momo smiled the moment the scent of flowers hit her, she sped up a little leaving Shotos side making him a little surprised at first before he became content watching her lift the flowers to inspect and sniff them.
Shoto stood near the bench his sister had installed in the garden, something about 'taking the time for the little things', he thought he was beginning to understand that now as he watched his wife to be. He was determined to make her happy and be better then his horrid father. The simple thought was enough to make him clench his fist but he soon stopped as his fiancée picked a daisy and placed it behind the males ear.
Shoto just kinda stood there unsure of why she had done that, Momo gave a small giggle looking at her fiancé. She couldn't help but to think he looked so adorable with the large white and yellow flower against his red hair.
After a moment or so of more flower sniffing the two had sat down on the bench. Momo leaned into the others left side enjoying his warmth, she slowly moved her hand to his and held it, Shotos eyes slid down to their hands and he couldn't help but smile and tighten his hold on her hand.
They stayed like this for a while, hand in hand watching as the sun went down and the moon and stars came out. The night was beautiful but neither cared much as they looked at each other.
Shoto looked down at his bride to be and smiled 'this isn't so bad I suppose' he thought as he began to lean towards her. Momos cheeks tinted red as she saw her fiancé leaning towards her, she leaned in as well and before both knew it their lips were connected.

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