x. pulse grenade

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chapter x; pulse grenade

‧₊˚✩ 彡chapter x; ❝pulse grenade❞

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TO say the least, the trip to the vice mayors office wasn't going very well so far. When they first walked inside, the vice mayor was dangling from out his window, and his niece, Heather, was standing over the rope with scissors and screaming.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Emily shouted.

"Vice mayor?" Henry asked.

"Down here!"

A voice came from out the window.

"Put down the scissors, Miss," Ray tried to calm her down.


"Let's talk," Emily said, sitting on the edge of the desk, "Why're you so mad at the vice mayor?"

"My stupid uncle is making me pay for my lunches now! All because of the stupid high speed railroad!" She started screaming and trying to cut the rope.

Emily got off the desk and walked closer to her. Heather reacted and pointed her scissors towards the three heroes.

"If you come any closer... I'll cut the rope!"

"Alright," Ray pulled a pulse grenade out of his pocket.

"Captain Man," Henry said, "What are you doing with that?"

He turned the grenade around, the timer showing forty-five seconds. By the time he started talking, it already had thirty seconds left.

"What is that?!" Heather shouted.

"It's a pulse grenade. In twenty-six seconds, this grenade will blow this room to smitheroones," Ray threatened.

"It's smitherines, dude," Emily corrected.


Henry sighed, "You said smitheroones. It's smitherines."

Ray glared at them both, "What did I say about the sass?" Ray looked back to Heather, "Ten seconds."

Henry and Emily were both a little worried that she wasn't going to give in anytime soon, which could cause them all to blow up.

"Five seconds."

Heather looked back and forth between the window and the bomb. Henry and Emily figured out what she was about to do and started telling her not to. Much to their dismay, Heather let out a high pitched scream and dove out the window.

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