xxiv. lovesick idiot

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chapter xxiv; lovesick idiot

‧₊˚✩ 彡chapter xxiv; ❝lovesick idiot❞

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"EMILY!" Henry screamed from down the hall.

She groaned as she sat up in her bed, extremely tired from her solo crime run the night before. She sighed and rubbed her eyes. Without realizing, her eyes closed again, her body sinking back into the warmth of the bed.

She pulled her blanket up past her shoulders to give her more comfort, only for them to be pulled all the way off of her — her body shivering at the loss of her blanket. She opened her eyes and looked at the culprit, him sitting down on the edge of her bed.

Henry put his hand on her bare leg, shaking it lightly, "Em, wake up." After receiving no response, he stood up and turned the light on, making Emily squint at the sudden brightness.

"Why do I have to get up?" Emily asked, her voice nasally from her congested nose due to her bad allergies.

"It's Ray's Spring Cleaning Sunday," Henry responded as he walked back over to her bed and removed the warm covers once again.

"You're kidding," Emily sat up and glared at him, "Please, God, tell me you're kidding."

He shrugged and sighed, "I wish I was."

Emily watched as Henry patted her leg and walked out of her room, closing the door behind him. She yanked the hair tie out of her hair angrily and threw on a tank top and shorts, knowing she was going to get hot cleaning.

She walked out of her room with a flustered expression on her face.

"Hey, Emily's awake!" Ray clapped and dropped a fanny pack on the ground in front of her, "Let's get cleanin' peeps!"

Charlotte squinted her eyes in disbelief, "Peeps?"

"Y-Yeah..." Ray stuttered.

"You're too old to use that word," Jasper said matter-of-factly.

Ray sniffed, "Whatever." He looked between the four teenagers as they stood there, "CLEAN!"

"Yes sir."
"On it."
"Got it."

Char, and Jasper walked off to clean the tubes, walls, and sweep. Henry went across the room to build a wooden table for Ray's bedroom.

Emily just rolled her eyes, "Fine." She opened her fanny pack that Ray provided for her and saw wire cutters and latex gloves. "What am I doing, building a computer?"

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