xxvii. acid

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chapter xxvii; acid

‧₊˚✩ 彡chapter xxvii; ❝acid❞

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EMILY shot up out of her bed, panting. "Huh?" She looked around her decorated bedroom, unable to piece together what happened. It felt so real... She touched her shoulder and winced in pain, "GOD-"

Her door flung open, Ray peeking his head into the room. After noticing she was awake, he opened the door all the way, dragging a cart full of food, drinks, and medical supplies in. He rolled it by her bed, "We've got brownies, various fruits, frenc- OOH, ICED french vanilla coff-"

"Don't you hate me?" Emily asked weakly, her voice cracking.

Ray sighed, sitting on her bed by her feet, "No, Emily. I don't hate you."

She looked at him expressionless, "How?"

"I see you as my daughter, regardless if you see me as a father or not."

After a few moments of silence, she crossed her arms, "You're the closest thing I have to family, Ray."

Hearing this, Ray's eyes light up like a little kid in a candy store, "Really?"

Emily nodded.

Ray sniffled, "I would hug you, but I don't want to hurt your shoulders."

"What's wrong with them?"

"You mean you don't remember?" Charlotte asked, announcing her presence to the duo.

"Where did you come from?" Ray questioned, clearly startled by her sudden appearance.

Schwoz stepped into the room, "You have first degree burns on your shoulders and most of you back." He sighed, "I was able to treat the burns, but-" He sighed again.

"But, what?" Emily asked.

"The burn was from acid, Emily. Like, top notch factory acid."

Factory Acid?

Emily widened her eyes.

"A lot of your skin was burned right off, and the acid got into your blood stream. You'll be a little ill for a while, and you'll have bruised scars on every inch on skin the acid touched."

"W-What?" She stuttered. It was almost unbelievable.

The fact that acid burned her skin off and she was going to have scars, that wasn't what was hard to believe. But that her father was the cause of it.

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