xxi. babe

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chapter xxi; babe

‧₊˚✩ 彡chapter xxi; ❝babe❞

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THEY both arrived at the blood bank, panting from the long run. They stood there quietly and they watched Ray try to kick down a giant metal door.

"Dude," Emily stopped him.

"What?!" He kicked the door again, "Why. Won't. This. Door. OPEN!" He kicked the door like ten times before falling on the ground.

Emily grabbed his arm and pulled him off the ground, "This is the loading dock! It's meant for big semi trucks, not a person."

"Oh," Ray stood there awkwardly for a second before jumping up, "Into the Man-Copter!"

Henry groaned loudly and followed Ray into the Man-Copter. Emily put her foot in, and Henry grabbed her hand to pull her the rest of the way up, and then closed the door behind her.

"Where are we going?" Emily asked Ray and he lifted the helicopter off the ground.

Ray laughed as he moved the helicopter nothing but two feet and landed it on the roof of the blood bank.

Henry sighed, "Dude, that laugh means you're up to something."

Ray said nothing. He parked the Man-Copter and got out, going into the back and opening the 'trunk'.

"Ray," Emily opened her door and jumped out, following Ray to the back.

Ray pulled out a blaster from the compartment in the back of the helicopter and laughed maniacally.

"Dude!" Henry slammed the door shut and looked at him, "What are you doing with that?"

Ray cocked the blaster and it began to fire up, the lights on the side lighting up the number five.

"Hello?" Emily waved her hand in front of his face to which he gave no reaction.

He pressed the number ten, all of the lights lighting up. It became louder as it fired up, seeing as it was now on a much higher blast level.

"Dude, what are you doing?!"
"Ray, no, no, no!"

Henry and Emily tried to stop him, but he pulled the trigger too quickly.



Henry and Emily flew backwards and Ray blasted a large hole in the roof, dust and pieces of cement flying everywhere. Due to Ray's indestructibility, all he got was some dust in his eye.

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