☆Chapter 10: Plan

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Seungyeon's POV

2 days later

It's still pretty early in the morning. We were sitting on the floor, blankets and pillows scattered all around.

"Shit we have a big problem." Mark chuckled nervously as he walk out from the kitchen.

"What?" I looked at him.

"We're running out of food, it'll last until tomorrow." He answered, looking problematic.

"What do we do?" Sohyon asked while she was tying her hair.

"We should probably come up with a plan, we can't just go to the store unprepared." Jeno suggested and we nodded our head as an agreement.

"Well, let's clean up and eat breakfast. We'll start planning after." Jaemin stood up and clapped his hands to get our attention.

Me and Sohyon started folding the blankets while the boys picked up the pillows and stacked them.

I lazily followed them to the kitchen. I sat on the chair and stared at the wall across me.

"What's up?" Chenle asked as he sat beside me.

"The ceiling." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Are you hungry?" I was startled when someone spoke so I leaned back and looked up to see who's behind me.

"Oh yea- wait no I mean no. I'm not hungry." I sat properly and looked at him as he take the empty seat beside me.

"You're so thin." He mumbled.

"You're so small." I fired back and he scoffed at me.

There was an awkward silence... not long enough, food were served. I grabbed the fork and stabbed the food with it but I didn't even eat it. I sighed, "It's bad to play with your food." Haechan scolded me. I had no choice but to just eat the food in front of me.

It didn't take too long for me to finish my food, I'm full but it's like I forced myself to chew and swallow the food.

"I'll take a bath." I said and stood up, not forgetting to put the plate in the sink.

It's tiring, everytime you take a bath, you have to wash your clothe so you'll have something to wear the next day.

I went inside our room to get the towel, I felt someone follow me so I looked behind me.

I remained silent and entered the room. I grabbed the towel and was about to leave,

"Hey, you can use my shirt." Renjun informed, I shook my head, "No thank you."

"I don't accept no as an answer. Hurry up." He said and threw the shirt that  landed on my face, I grabbed it with my hand and looked at him,

"Thanks." I muttered and left the room.


After 30 minutes, I was finally done showerimg so I grabbed the tshirt and wore it. I looked at my reflection and chuckled, it's too big on me. Kinda looks like a dress but of course, I still wore shorts.

I headed to our room to leave some things before going to the kitchen.

They were all so busy talking, when I got near them, I saw a map on the table.

"Oh, you guys started planning already?" I asked and stood beside Sohyon. She eyed me and quirked her eyebrows, "Whose shirt is that?"

"Mine." Renjun answered, "Anywhore, go back to the plan thingy." I diverted the topic before they could even say anything.

"Okay so, there are 3 stores that are located outside the forest." Mark started and encircled places on the map.

"But the thing is, the nearest one is small, not much of a great help for us. But if we will go to the second or third, we think that it's more dangerous since there might be more zombies around that area plus, it will take us a longer time to go back here in the bunker." Jeno shared his thoughts. There was a long silence, everyone was trying hard to think of a plan.

"How about we take the risk? I know it sounds stupid but I think everything will be alright as long as we're not gonna go by ourselves. For example, one of us will stay here. Then the eight of us will go, once we're there... Two out of eight will stay in the car and act as a lookout and in that way, if ever something happens, we can quickly leave. So there will be 6 people entering the store. It should be by pair to ensure safety, they will be assigned to get this and that so our time will be used wisely." I explained and looked at Mark, it took him a while before responding.

"Sounds good to me, anyone who disagrees?" He asked and no one answered so that means we'll have to stick with that idea.

"Should we start assigning now?" Haechan spoke so we all nodded.

"So who'll stay here in the bunker?" Jaemin asked and took out a small notebook and a pen, probably to take down notes.

"I think Chenle will fit the role, he can open the door for us even if he stays here." Sohyon suggested and we all agreed.

"For the lookouts?" Jaemin looked at us after he wrote something.

"Probably someone who can drive and another one who is a keen observer." Renjun said and leaned on the table.

"I say Mark and Jaemi-" Haechan was cut off by Jaemin.

"What?! Why me???????" He rolled his eyes, "You're such a professional complainer. You fit the role." Haechan chuckled as Jaemin sighed in defeat.

"So now for the pairings. I want to be the one to decide and you can't do anything about it..." Jaemin paused for a little,

"Jisung and Sohyon is incharge with clothes and snacks...

Jeno and Haechan will be the one to get foods and extra water, my stomach hurts because of drinking tap water oh and please, don't get foods that's already open or exposed to the air, we don't know what or who touched it...

And lastly will be Renjun and Seungyeon, you two will get medicines and things you think will be helpful for us to fight those monsters."

"Okay, it's settled then. Boys, please prepare the things we need for tomorrow especially weapons. Sohyon and Seungyeon, you can take a rest if you want." Mark instructed and everyone immediately obliged.


I feel bad for forgetting to publish this one HAHAHA. OH AND, I WILL PUBLISH ANOTHER BOOK KKKK, DON'T FORGET TO CHECK IT OUT😗.

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