☆Chapter 24: Missing

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All of them woke up when the light coming from the sun shone on their faces, making them groan. Sohyon, who was the last person to be the lookout, woke her friends up by removing the thin fabric that was covering the window.

"Sohyon! What the fuck." Donghyuck mutters and covered his eyes with his forearm.

"Get up y'all. We'll have our breakfast now. Jaemin! Help me." She demanded, the male rubbed his eyes and slowly got up on his feet.

"Who am I." Chenle lifelessly mumbles, scratching his unitchy head in annoyance and tried going back to sleep but Mark already pulled him up.

"Chenle, you got enough sleep already. Stop complaining." Seungyeon rolled her eyes, "Be lucky you had someone to accompany you during your time." He lightly scoffs before proceeding to stretch his body.

They all started cleaning up the room and gathered some tables so that the food can be placed on top of it.

"So, how was your sleep everyone." Mark asks, taking a bite from the bread.

"I had a weird dream, someone from us left the room. I think there was two of them." Jisung held up both his index and middle finger as he explain his dream.

"I dreamt of zombies turning into gold ashes thingy once you touch them." Jeno narrated.

"Mine was about school. Everyone was there, including Chenle, Sohyon and Seungyeon." Jaemin spoke up, "I wish it's true though." He added.

"Really? Mine's pretty interesting, I don't know..." Renjun started, "My dream was about a girl who was singing, and her voice cracked."

Seungyeon mentally rolled her eyes and reminded herself to hit him later.

"Are you sure you didn't dreamt of the girl version of yourself? I'm pretty sure you did the same mistake before, Renjun." Jisung said, munching on his food.

"Excuse me?" The Chinese male glared at Jisung who shook his head and gestured that it was a mistake, "I meant Hyung– as in Renjun hyung, calm down." He pouted.

"The disrespect, kid." Renjun lightly scoffs. "Oh! By the way, me and Seungyeon has something to tell you guys." He added, a hint of doubt laced in his voice.

"That you guys are now official?" Jeno innocently asks, making Seungyeon choke on her food, Renjun patted her back and offered her a bottle of water which she gladly accepted.

"Me? Renjun? Yeah, never gonna happen." She mutters after she put down the bottle on the table.

"Uh yeah, what she said– anyway." He stopped in between his sentence and inserted his hand on his pocket, taking out a neatly folded paper and handed it to Donghyuck who gestured to give it to him.

"What in the fuckery is this?" Haechan quirked his eyebrow and held up his hand that was holding the paper.

"Haven? As in a place where survivors get to stay? It says that they also give free daily supplies and more." Jisung points out, peaking over Donghyuck's shoulder.

"Of course survivors are there! Do you expect a zombie to stick it on the wall and have a place for zombies where they get to stay?" Renjun remarked, making Jisung press his lip into a thin line, refraining himself from talking back knowing that he'll get scolded.

"Should we believe it?" Jeno asks, snatching away the paper from Hyuck and read it.

"Looks fake but also real." Chenle commented.

"Should we just ignore it?" Jisung blinked a few times, annoyed with the dusts that keep on coming towards his direction.

"What if we try to get there but end up being lost and being eaten? Nooo." Jeno pouts.

"I feel like it's best for us to just stay here until we get enough proof that that place is real." Renjun suggested, making eye contact with Mark who nodded lightly.

"I agree." The eldest sighed and took the paper from Jeno,  folded it before keeping it in his pockets.

"What should we do now?" Jaemin asks, crossing his arms on his chest. "Buy food." Seungyeon answers, pointing at the direction where they keep their food supplies that is now empty.

"Right." Chenle mutters.

This is their first time going out ever since they left the bunker for good and they honestly feel nervous about it.  Yes, the building they're currently on is keeping them safe but it's still open to everyone that is either a living person or a zombie.

"Well? Are you all gonna just sit there? Hurry up and prepare!" Sohyon claps her hand and gestured her friends to get ready.

Seungyeon bit her lip as her lower abdomen starts to hurt, "Seungyeoniieee~" Renjun turned to her with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"What?" She asked, irritated and stood up from her seat.

"Why are you so grumpy."

"I don't know, maybe you should stop annoying me?" She shrugs and picked up her bag to get new clothes.

"But I didn't do anything wrong?" Renjun tilts his head.

The girl didn't respond and exited the room, heading towards the restroom- she felt the Chinese boy follow her behind, although she's annoyed- she's thankful for it.

Aside from being a lookout for an hour, they also decided that it's best to have someone accompany them whenever they're gonna use the restroom for safety purposes though Seungyeon was used to bringing Sohyon with her.

"Yeonniiee, I don't know what I did but please don't be mad." She heard Renjun say from the outside, making her feel guilty.

"I'm not." Seungyeon replied, trying to open the cubicle with one hand.

She quickly changes her clothes and tied her hair into a bun before opening the door, revealing Renjun who was patiently waiting for her.

"Let's go." She grabbed his wrist and dragged him back the room.

The others were waiting for the two to come back and immediately stood up when they saw them entering the room.

"Are we all ready to go?" Jisung flashed a smile. Mark was the one to leave the room first, the rest trailed behind, chattering with each other.

They've been walking around the area for almost 10 minutes now and that's when Mark started panicking.

"What's wrong, hyung?" Chenle stared weirdly at his friend who has a worried look on his face, making all of them stop on their tracks.

"The van- it's not where I left it!"


I finally updated, I might publish something after this but it's not a chapter related to the story– it's just that data sucks so I have to wait till it get backs to normal.
Excuse me for any errors.

Stay safe.

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