☆Chapter 20: Door

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"Y'all, I know you two are lowkey whipped for each other but we're on a mission right now so stop being so sweet for once." Jaemin complained making Renjun and Seungyeon confused.

"Excuse me? We weren't even being sweet?" The girl whispers and furrowed her eyebrows, "Sure you weren't." Jaemin mumbles, giving them a quick glance before turning back his attention to the nearby zombie.

Time flies fast and weeks had passed ever since the outbreak started, they were getting used to going out every once a week to get their daily supplies– nothing much happened aside from the fact that the girls were now getting closer with the boys.

"Okay, there are only three of them, when i say shoot– we all shoot at them and ran off okay?" Renjun instructed as he pick up his gun thay was on the floor, they were hiding behind the counter and tried to not make many sounds as much as possible.

"Yes, sir." Seungyeon replied and looked at her target. The rest of the boys and Sohyon (excluding Chenle who decided to stay at the bunker instead) were waiting for the three of them.

"Shoot." The eldest among the three said and so they did. They immediately stood up and Renjun grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the exit.

It wasn't hard for them to find their car, Jeno opened the door for them and they quickly entered. The three sighed in relief as they wipe the sweats on their forehead.

"For one sec, I thought I was gonna die." Seungyeon chuckled, "Uhm excuse me? I was there so I wouldn't let you die." Renjun scoffed and handed the girl a bottle of water and of course, her inhaler– just in case.

"Wow so are you saying that you're okay leaving me behind and take Seungyeon with you?" Jaemin unbelievably asks, feeling offended but did not take it seriously.

"Yeah?" The shorter male answered, "Rude."

"Stop being dramatic. You're alive, aren't you?" Jeno playfully rolled his eyes, "What a good boyfriend you got there, Jaemin-ah." Sohyon said while wriggling her eyebrows.

"We're not a thing, shut up." Jeno groans and threw his head back in annoyance, making the girl laugh in satisfactory.

"Mark hyung, is the gas still okay?" Jeno tried to change the topic, "Yeah, I went to the nearest gas station while you guys were inside."

"Wait– you left us?" Jeno furrowed his eyebrows and Mark nodded his head. "Hyung! What if we went out early and you weren't there?"

"Calm down. You're safe, aren't you?" Mark said, mocking him. The others snickered at Jeno who was pouting.

Soon enough, the 8 of them reached the forest but something's not right,

"Uhm, why is the bunker's door open?" Sohyon narrowed her eyes. They were alarmed and prayed that nothing bad happened to Chenle.

"Shit, should we enter?" Jaemin asks, his grip tightened on the gun he was holding. "I think we should, it's so quiet down there." Mark said.

[Oh, I just noticed the quiet down– lol bye]

"Stay close, pay attention." Sohyon spoke, the others nodded and entered the bunker quietly.

All of them looked around the area, Chenle was nowhere to be found and they were starting to panic about it.

"Help!" Their head turned towards the direction where the voice came from, they walked towards it slowly and saw Chenle on the floor– struggling to get the zombie away from him.

It was just like Seungyeon's dream.

Seungyeon didn't hesitate to shoot the zombie's head three times. The creature finally stopped moving and Chenle got the chance to push the dead body off him.

He was on the verge of crying, he got up on his feet and ran to his friends, engulfing them into a hug. Mark was the one who broke the hug and excused himself so that he could close the door.

"What happened, Lele?" Sohyon asks as she guide him to the couch and sit down. "I dropped my phone while I was in the bathroom– it accidentally opened the app control thing we all have for the bunker and I didn't realized that the door was open until I heard some noise." He explains, his hands shaking in fear.

"Drink water first." Jaemin handed him the glass of water, Jisung sat beside his best friend ans rubbed circles on his back. "I-I'm sorry for being careless–"

"Chenle, it's not your fault. Things happen but what matters is that you're alive, let's just be thankful that the door remained open and we managed to get in just in time. Don't you dare cry, stop being a baby. Come here." Seungyeon stretched her arms to the side, waiting for him to hug her.

The Chinese let out a small smile and hugged the girl and the others decided to join in, "GROUP HUG!!" They shouted in unison, making Seungyeon groan as she feel squeezed. It lasted for a few seconds and eventually let go of each other.

[Social distancing y'all.]

"Wait– what are we gonna do with the body?" Jisung tilted his head, "Oh right." Jeno snapped his fingers and started thinking.

"Yo, have you seen those movies where they use the infected person's blood to cover up the human-ish smell?" Mark appears out of nowhere, holding an apple juice box with his hand.

"But hyung, those are in the movies– what if we turn into a zombie once our skin make contact with their blood? We don't know, I don't know. I'm no scientists." Haechan shrugs .

"Damn right." The eldest replied in English, disappointed with himself. "Anyway, we might just bury the body somewhere? We have to do it right now, I don't want the bunker to smell like rotten eggs— no offense dead body but yeah." Mark added, looking like an idiot for talking to someone who's dead.

"So who's gonna go with me?" He asks but they ignored him. "Nice." He rolls his eyes before dragging Donghyuck with him who protested but too late, the elder already pulled him inside the room where the dead body was.


Still can't get over Renjun's part in Quiet Down(1:05). My dumbfuck mind thought it was Jaemin but like, it doesn't really sound like him so when I decided to watch the lyric video of it, i was so very shooketh bcs it was actually Renjun instead of jaem. Jdjsnfkd I'm so stupid, bye.


Even if i/we keep on forgetting the tune, just stream it HDJSNFJ

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