Chapter 4

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Matthew and i got to school and was walking to 1st period. I shivered a little at the breeze from the school hallway. "Are you cold?" He asked taking his hoodie off. "Yeah kinda, thanks." I said as he handed me his gray hoodie and I pulled it over my head. He smiled and I said "what?" "Nothing you just look cute." He said and smirked. I said thanks with a smile and laughed in my head cause I know I'm not 'cute'. We walked in to class and I sat in between Riley and Matthew. As usual. Riley looked over at me about to say something g and then seen I was wearing Matts hoodie and smirked. Soon the teacher began class.

At lunch I got to talk to matts friends some more and I Cameron is my favorite. (Besides Matt) He was cute and he was like the funniest out of the group. Caleb Roberts has blonde hair and blue eyes and is the shortest out of them all. Tyler Cannet has light brown hair like Matt and has brown eyes. Cameron Dallas has dark brown hair with brown eyes and he was the tallest of them all. Brandon Plum has black hair and blue-ish green-ish eyes. After school Cameron asked for a ride so it was jsut Matthew, Cameron, and I.

Matthew was driving and I was sitting shot gun after fighting with Cameron for awhile over it and he was sitting in the back. Cameron has been stating at the hoodie im wearing for awhile today and he would sometimes look at me and them Matt and then me and then Matt. "What?" I said giggling. "So your letting her wear your clothes now?" He said turning his attention to Matthew. "Its just my hoodie, and she was cold." He said casually. "So are you guys dating?" He said making me almost choke on the air which I didn't think was possible. "No, we're just friends." I said with a small smile. "So your available?" He said with a smirk. Oh my G what is it with people and them always smiking. I seen Matthew give him a death glare threw the review mirror.

"Yeah I guess so." I said with a laugh as he nodded and leaned forward to tell Matthew something.

*Matthews POV*

I don't kow why but I felt a little jealousy when Cam was asking these questions. Lacey was laughing and talking with Cam like she has known him forever. Cameron leaned forward and whispered in my ear "if you dont snatch her up, I will." I know Lacey heard him cause she laughed and he whispers like a trucker. We dropped him of at his house and as he was getting out he told Lacey 'Bye beautiful' and i could feel my face get red from anger. What the heck I just met her I can't Like her. She said bye and we soon pulled up to my house.

*Laceys POV*

I went into my house and soon got a text from Cameron. The other day when I first meet them I had got all of their numbers.
Cam- Hey :) I'm throwing a party this weekend. Do you want to come?

Me- Yeah sure. Sounds fun.

Cam- Cool, I can introduce you to some more people too.

Me- Kk. Can't wait :)

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