Part 10

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Miyoung P. O. V

Yoongi: Just take it off.

Miyoung: What do you mean I should took my shirt off?

Yoongi: Do it or I will do it myself.

Miyoung: You will n--

He came towards me and I panicked and took off my shirt. He looked at the marks and bites on my stomach.

Yoongi: Lay on the bed.

I did what he said and he grabbed the first aid kit and started applying medicine on it. I hissed at some of them because it hurts so lot.

Yoongi: Why did you do that?

Miyoung: About what?

Yoongi: By letting them go away.

Miyoung: Yoongi, they have so much of live their life ahead. Even though we are older than them and got to see so many things while they get death sentence is unfair. What they did is illegal, yes I agree but they are still young. They have to see so many things ahead. That's why.

Yoongi: Woah~

I chuckled and wore my shirt back.

Miyoung: Thank you.

Yoongi: It's ok. I have to do this.

(You guys thought I would write smut? Well, see it in another story cuz this story doesn't contain any smut. Sorry~)

I smiled and bowed to him.

Yoongi: Don't bow to me anymore. We know each other, we aren't strangers.

Miyoung: Ok? *smile*

I stood up and went back to my room. I saw them smirking at me.

Miyoung: W-What?

Hoseok: Your ice cream melted. What were you doing in there for a long time? *smirk*


They all laughed.

*3 days later*

I was working at my office and Yoongi was not here because it's his day off. Weird, isn't it? Boss taking a day off.

Nowadays, Yoongi started becoming close and clingy to me which I love. I think he started to love me. I can't believe my patient is going to get fulfill. Everyone was happy of me and they all went back to Seoul because they have to teach other students. For Hoseok, he decided to stay here and teach dance to Jessica.

About adopting Jessica, she agree and signed the paper. I finished working and was waiting for Yoongi because he said he will picked me up. I waited........... Waited............ Waited......... Waited......... Waited until I can't anymore. I phoned Yoongi but he isn't answering it. I phoned Hoseok and he picked it up.

Miyoung: Hoseok oppa, do you know where Yoongi is?

Hoseok: Just take a cab and went home, Mi.

Miyoung: Why? He said he will---

Hoseok: Mi, you thought he was changing? He isn't. He will never! He just go to that hotel right now.

My heart broken into million of pieces.

Miyoung: O-Oppa, please don't tease me.

Hoseok: I am not.

I hang up the phone and went home. I changed myself into something comfortable and went to the rooftop to cleared my mind. Then, someone came beside me and it was Yoongi.

Yoongi: Hey, I am so sorry for not coming and picking you up.

Miyoung: It's ok.

Yoongi: Jessica will be a famous rapper when she grew up. Thanks for everything you have done.

I rolled my eyes.

Yoongi: I got closer to you these days and whatever happened between us is all---

Miyoung: Nothing.

He stopped.

Yoongi: No, Miyoung. Listen to me.

Miyoung: I know you go to that hotel. And I know you were acting for Jessica. I know it. You are a great actor. *scoff* we did this for Jessica. You want to say that right?

He just looked at me.

Miyoung: You don't like me when I touch you. In that case, touching me and sleeping on the bed together isn't possible.

He looked down

Miyoung: Don't worry now. Jessica seems happy. You don't have to do this anymore. You can live the way you want. I am already used it.

I wiped my tears and walked away.

Yoongi P. O. V

Yoongi: Shit, shit, shit, SHIT!

I kicked the wall and started crying.



Yoongi: Hoseok, you go. I have some work to do.

Hoseok looked ahead and it was the hotel.

Hoseok: Yoongi, please.

Yoongi: I said I have works to do. I will come back.

I went inside the hotel and to the room. But the room scent isn't rose anymore. It's lily, the same scent on Miyoung

I looked at the window and smiled at our memories. How I made her blushed, how she smiled, how she laughed, how much..... She is beautiful, how she is patient. After all these 3 years, I finally realize I love her. I FUCKING LOVE HER!

I smiled and went out of the room.

Receptionist: Already finish?

Yoongi: I will not need this anymore.

I then ran to home, excited to tell this to Miyoung.

*flashback end*

Yoongi: She can't go away from me. I love her a lot.

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