Miyoung P. O. V pt. III

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Miyoung P. O. V

*After 2 days*

Dad: Miyoung?

Miyoung: DAD! I AM BUSY!

I shouted as I was cooking dinner for us.


I turned off the gas and looked at him.

Miyoung: To where?

Dad: Mr. Min's house.

I was confused.

Miyoung: O........ K?

Dad: Wear something nice.

I nodded and went to my room, leaving the food with my father so he will cleaned it up. It's our rules. If someone interrupt someone cooking then that someone have to cleaned it up.

I opened my closet and my eyes went widen as I don't saw any dresses.

Miyoung: Shit.

*In front of the Min's house*

Dad: What kind of a woman wear this?

He said as he looked at me wearing a hoodie with black jeans.

Miyoung: I don't have a dress. I don't have a choice.

He sighed and we went inside the gate.

Miyoung + Dad: Woah~

We were mesmerized by the view in front of us. Dad smiled bitterly at the memories and I patted his back.

Miyoung: Let's go inside.

He nodded and knocked on the door. The door was opened by a maid.

Maid: Who are you?

Dad: Mr. Kang.

Maid: OH! Welcome~

She opened the door for us and we went inside.

Miyoung: T-This was how you lived when you were young, dad?

Dad: Yup!

Miyoung: Wow-

Then the same maid came with a middle age man in the wheelchair. I looked at him and bowed.

Mr. Min: You have thought your daughter well, Kang.

Dad smiled.

Mr. Min: Sit on the sofa. Why are you being so shy?

Dad: U-Um I am just nervous

Mr. Min laughed and told the maid to go away. She bowed and walked away from the living room. I sat beside Dad and he said

Dad: Mr. Min, I kindly want to say something.

Mr. Min: Go on.

He sighed.

Dad: I cannot say-

Miyoung: The SIC company is doing unfair to us. Last month, our bills was $500. Now, they are asking $10,000 from us. They know that we are poor now. It's just unfair. *whisper to dad* are we hear for the money?

He nudged my shoulder and looked at me with "shut your mouth" expression.

Dad: Yes and my daughter likes your son.

Mr. Min eyes went widen.

Mr. Min: S-She WHAT????

His loud voice echoed through the whole house. I looked at my dad with dead glares but he doesn't even care and ignored me.

Mr. Min: U-Um, that's....wow. I don't know someone would like that stone.

Miyoung: If you don't mind, can I marry him?


Everyone was silent and dad's left eye twitched. Mr. Min just looked at me with shocked expression.

Mr. Min: Um......

Then dad put his hand on my mouth and bowed at Mr. Min.

Dad: Please ignore my daughter. She hasn't drank her medicine for today.

Miyoung: What do you mean I haven't drank medicine? I don't even drink medicine! *hum*

Mr. Min chuckled and said

Mr. Min: I will think about it and talked with Yoongi.

My dad let his hand go and I said

Miyoung: Mr. Min, I want to marry your son not because of the money, because I want to help him. You might think that after we just talked about the money, I would use him for money. It's not like that. I like him for 4 years..... just don't get the courage to say it to him. Soo, take as much as your time. *smile*

He looked shocked and smiled.

Mr. Min: Ok, daughter.

Dad: It's ok if you don't want her. He deserves more than her.

Bitch wha---

Mr. Min: Mr. Kang, calm yourself. I will think carefully and will say the answer soon.

Dad nodded and I smiled.

Miyoung: Thank you, Mr. Min. Just like dad said, it's ok too.

Dad: We will be leaving now. Thank you for having us.

Mr. Min: My pleasure.

Then dad dragged me away from the house and I sensed that he is very angry with me. I sat on the car beside him and he looked at me.

Dad: What the hell did you just did there, Miyoung? You don't know how dangerous that man is! Why are you putting your life in danger? And there are so many guys-

Miyoung: Dad, listen to me first. You know why I like him? Because he donate to orphanage and elders caretakers home. He always helped people who are in need. Even though he looked cold and rude, he isn't what you see. He might stop doing these right now but it doesn't matter. I love him and that's all. And this is my life, dad. I know you are worried for me but I want to marry him. It's ok if you hate me dad but please don't seperate me from him *tears fell* please.

Dad sighed and patted my head.

Dad: Then do what you want to do. I will support you, daughter.

I smiled and hugged him.

Dad: Why are you hugging me-

Miyoung: Take it before I will stop doing it.

He chuckled and hugged me back. We released the hug and I sat back properly.

Miyoung: Let's go home?

He nodded and we drove home

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