Part 2

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Yoongi P. O. V

I changed into my casual outfit and went to the bar beside the hotel Lavanga. Before I walked inside, I looked at it and sighed. I miss her a lot. Then I  went inside and saw Hoseok, my best friend.

Yoongi: Hello, Hoseok.

Hoseok: Hi.

We did our handshake and he ordered drinks for us.

Hoseok: How have you been lately?

Yoongi: Still missing her.

Hoseok: Yoongi, you have to move on.

Yoongi: She said she will come back, Hoseok. I will wait for her.

Hoseok: *sigh* What about Miyoung? Is she good?

Yoongi: I think so.

I drank up the soju and Hoseok said

Hoseok: Yoongi, don't be like that to your wife.

Yoongi: She isn't my wife. I was forced to marry her. You knew it, Hoseok. She begged her mom to marry me.

Hoseok: Consider yourself lucky, Yoongi. Even though you are treating her so ruthless, she loves you.

Yoongi: It's not my problem if she loves me or whatever.

Hoseok: Yoongi, why do you dislike her so much?

I looked at him.

Yoongi: Because she replace her.

Hoseok sighed.

Hoseok: Yoongi, you have changed....... A lot.

Yoongi: What about you? Are you good with Lisa?

Hoseok: *smile* the best. We have our 5th daughter.

Yoongi: Seriously, Hoseok. Calm your hormones.

He laughed and we talked about our life. After talking for straight 1 hour, Hoseok phone rang.

Hoseok: Wait a moment.

He picked up.

Hoseok: Yes, baby?.......... I am hanging out with Yoongi...... Hmm really? Ok, if you need me then I will come now. See you soon. Love you.

He smiled and hang up.

Hoseok: I have to go, Yoongi. My wife needs me.

I nodded. We stood up and hugged each other.

Yoongi: Take care.

Hoseok: You too.

He smiled but he turned serious.

Hossok: Are you going to that hotel?

Yoongi: Yeah.

Hoseok: *sigh* Just don't make Miyoung wait for a long time.

He patted my shoulder and walked away. So, I decided to go to Lavanga hotel.

Receptionist: Oh, Mr. Min. Here is the card.

He gave me the card and I said thanks and went to the room. I opened the door, feeling the cool breeze and rose scent filling around the room. I smiled at the memory of her.

Miyoung P. O. V

Father: Miyoung, go and sleep.

Miyoung: It's ok, father. I will wait for him.

Father: Miyoung.

Miyoung: I know he went to the hotel, father. I know he can't move on from her. She is his first love, father. I know he hates me because I have replace her but, what should I do, father? I love him.

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