Chapter 10

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It's after midnight that we pull up outside the shop in Harry's car. I grab my keys out of my coat pocket, unlock the door and switch on the studio lights.

We are both freezing after our swim and I head to the back to make us a cup of tea. While I grab the tea bags and pour the water in, I try think what to tattoo on Harry. I would love to add something small and meaningful to his arm, and think about what he has told me about himself. He has mentioned he loves Japan and it suddenly comes to me, I am going to do the tiniest cherry blossom or Sakura.

I walk to my tattooing station and hand him his tea.

"Do you trust me not to look till after I am finished" I ask.

He looks me in the eye and I see a tiny flicker of doubt before he smiles confidently and answers yes. I know I shouldn't think it, but that smile up close still gives me butterflies in my stomach. While Harry is drinking his tea, I sketch up the tattoo and ask him to look away while I transfer it to his arm. I squeeze it in below a large ship.

As I start the tattoo machine up and press it to his skin, he turns to me and says with a cheeky grin "You know Ness, you did cheat. Flashing your boobs at me was kind of distracting. It's only fair if I get to tattoo you as well".

I want to argue but I know he is right so I say "OK but keep it small and simple Picasso".

Harry looks surprised as I think he was expecting an argument but you only live once and I like the idea of Harry leaving a mark on my skin, as messed up as that sounds.

I spend a few more minutes on his small cherry blossom and at the end decide to add a few small lines of light pink, which I hope he doesn't mind as most of his tattoos are black. I cover it up with some plastic wrap as we decide to only look at each other's when they are both done.

I set up the station, disinfect the equipment again and get the machine ready for Harry. I show him how to use the light box and sketch and transfer the image and I tell him he can do it on my hip. He says he has messed around with a tattoo machine before and done a few tattoos on himself and friends so I just give him a few additional pointers.

I pull my tights and underwear down a little bit and disinfect the chosen area for him. I look at him and see he is staring intensely at the spot that I have revealed for my tattoo, I know he is turned on. He snaps out of it, turns the machine on and I look away while he starts to tattoo. It doesn't take him long and I instruct him how to wrap it up after.

I jump up, trying to put a little distance between us and grab a bottle of whisky from a cabinet before saying "time for the big reveal".

I pour us each a shot; we clink glasses and Harry says "To bad decisions at midnight and flashing your boobs" before he winks at me cheekily and we down the liquid.

He decides to go first and a gently help him remove the covering, he twists his muscular tanned arm and catches a glimpse of the flower.

I am kind of nervous and blurt out "it's a Japanese cherry blossom because you love Japan and I love flowers".

His face lights up and he pulls me into a giant bear hug "Ness it is perfect" he says and I can't help beaming.

Next up it's my turn and I remove my covering slowly and Harry has done a tiny upside down, only slightly shaky looking, triangle.

He anxiously says "it's the alchemy symbol for water because you like swimming and I know how many happy memories you have of your dad taking you to the pool. I want you to think about that when you look down at this".

I am so touched and can feel tears welling up, so I say "Harry I love it" before giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

Neither of us feel like ending the night so I pour us another shot of whisky and we down it.

We chat about lots of random topics and discuss our favorite books. We have a few more shots of whisky and the conversation gets more ridiculous as the drinks increase. We end sitting cross legged, across from each other, on the couch in the studio, playing a game where we rest our hands on our knees and try to playfully slap each other hands, before the other person can quickly remove them. Neither of us are having much luck, probably due to the amount we have drunk.

Harry tries to slap my palms and I quickly pull my arms back, but he instinctively grabs my wrists and holds on to them. My eyes shoot up and I look into his green eyes, his pupils are dilated and his face is so close to mine.

Before I know what I am doing, I have leaned forward and quickly kiss him on the lips. The alcohol has made me feel reckless and I know it's wrong but I can't help myself. He pulls back, looking stunned for a minute before leaning in and putting his lips on mine. I know I shouldn't but I kiss him back, opening my lips. His tongue finds its way into my mouth and he tastes heavenly. We continue to kiss and I feel like I have to get closer to him, so without breaking our contact, I climb into his lap. He shifts around so that he now has his back against the couch, his feet on the floor with me straddling him. I start to move up and down slowly and grind myself on him. He grabs my ass hard and pinches it before guiding me up and down and pushing me roughly against his arousal. We are face to face and his eyes are hooded and his thick lips wet. It feels so good and I can't help but moan his name while I continue to move against him.

I watch what I am doing to him and as our eyes meet, I see something pass over his face and he suddenly grabs the side of my face and leans his forehead against mine.

He says, breathing hard "we can't do this Nessa, I want to, god do I want to but we can't".

I try to kiss him but he turns his face and grabs hold of my arms "Ness stop it! Please"

My face goes red and I feel so stupid. I quickly lift myself off him and stand up without saying anything.

He jumps up and says "Ness I'm sorry. We shouldn't have done that".

I answer quickly "Its fine Harry. It doesn't matter" and try my hardest to make it seem like I believe what I just said.

Anger crosses Harry's face and he walks forcefully towards me, I am not sure what to do so on impulse I walk backwards away from him and hit the wall behind me.

He stands right in front of me, bends his knees so he is looking right in my eyes and exclaims "Ness I am only going to say this once so you better fucking listen. I know you aren't ready for us because you have been hurt in the past and I respect that. But I think you are funny and kind and talented even though you don't see it. I can't stop thinking about you. And I am sorry if that scares you but I want more and when you are ready, I am going to make you scream my name and come so hard, but until then I don't want you to do anything you regret".

He kisses me firmly but quickly on the cheek, gives me one last look with that penetrating stare and walks out the door. I am left standing against the wall, wondering what the hell just happened.

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