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After adding a few cuts to my arm yet again, i rinse my arms and mouth to git rid of the remaining blood.

I can still hear jax and blake yelling and every now and then there's a thud. I keep debating on whether i should make a dummy in the bed and run or wait for blake to get back.

As much as he scares me i still care for blake. So i decide to wait.

I bandage my arms so neither of them will smell the blood. I slip on some jeans and a long sleeve shirt. I go to the door and lock it, and sit against it.

I don't want to be hurt but i don't want blake to be hurt either. So i wait.

It's been a solid minute since i heard a thud and the shouting has stopped aswell. I put my ear to the door and hear two things: footsteps and heavy breathing.

Someone knocks on the door. I hokd my breath. "Alex are you in there?" I know that voice... Blake.

I get up and swing the door open. I see him there clutching his ribs, a busted lip and bruises lining his jaw and eye. "Blake! Oh my god! Are you okay?!" I pull him into the room and hold his face.

He winces at my touch but nods at my question "i'm fine" i use all my energy not to slap him "no you're not! You're far from fine get in here!" I drag him into the room.

I set him on the bed while rummagaing through the bathroom for a first-aid kit. Found it. I rush back to the bed and open the case "what the hell happened in there?!" He smiles. Is he a psycho?! "I protected my mate"

With those words i begin to cry. He looks at me and becomes worried "hey, no. What's wrong?" Several answers swirled through my head: 'you called me your mate' 'he could have killed you' 'this was all my fault' 'i'm not good enough for you' 'i'm not good enough for all of this' but instead i just say "nothing, i was just so worried"

I notice he has a small cut right on the top of his forehead. I begin wiping the blood off of his face. I go back to the bathroom and grab a rag, i use my ice breathe on it and put it to his eye. He looks confused "you never told me you could do that?" I laugh a bit "i forgot to tell you" "what else can you do?" He's curious but stupid, except it's cute "well of course i can fly but that's about all, i'm sure i have more but i haven't discovered them yet"

He smiles like he's proud but i say "now shut up and let me take care of you" he chuckles and looks past me with his working eye, he looks scared and confused.

I turn around to see what he was looking at. It was the broken mirror an the floor of the bathroom. oh no. I must have knocked some off when i was looking for the first-aid kit.

I look back at him and he rushes into the bathroom "wait-" he cuts me off "what happened in here, are you ok?"

The purple from my eyes glows enough to color the room "i'm ok. It happened a few days ago." "When?" He asks too many questions and i don't want to keep things from him so it's so much harder to keep this "the first day i was locked in here" i say with a frown.

He looked down like he was sad. Now i feel even worse. He looked back at the mirror, oh shit! There's still blood on one of the shards. He looks at me and his eyes darken "i'm going to ask one more time, what happened and are you ok?" He looked angry, i decided to answer truthfully but not the whole ttuth "look i don't really know what happened. I'm ok i just got a few cuts but i managed them" he looked calmer and reassured, that's good.

"Now let me finish bandaging you" i say leading him back to the bed. "Keep the rag on your eye" i continue to bandage him up and. Put a band-aid on his cut and continue "i'm sorry that this is all i could do"

I felt bad i couldn't do more but blake spoke and said "hey, look at me. You did you're best, that's all that matters" i couldn't help but smile as he said that and pulled me onto his lap. I went to rest my head on his shoulder and hug him, but as i did he winced.

"Oh my gosh! I forgot about your ribs!" I shot up and pulled his shirt off despite his attempts to stop me. His right side of his rib-cage was black and purple. I rush around and grab another rag, freeze it and place it against his ribs. "Ah! That hurts." He winces and clutches his side "i'm sorry" i frown.

I look back to the first-aid kit and luckily there are still some bandages. I wrap them around his chest and torso. He scares the crap out of me in more ways then one "please don't ever do that again, i don't know if my heart will be able to take it" i say that barely holding back my tears.

He pulls me back onto his lap and hugs me "i'm sorry to tell you this but i would do it again in a heart beat. I would stop at nothing to make you feel safe and protected" at this point i can't hold back the tears and i cry into his shoulder as he rubs my back.

We sit ther for a while enjoying each others embrace. Eventually he stands up and says "c'mon, let's go for a walk" he offers me his hand "where are we going?" I froze "do you trust me?" I hesitantly take his hand. And we head out.

We walk past jax's room and my heart stops for a moment "hey what happened to jax?" I ask. He answers with a sigh "i sent him to deal with the queen, he'll hear from her. But let's not talk about him, i want to enjoy this moment with you" i bluah and hide my cheeks, he chuckles at me.

Once we arrive i'm shocked ...this place is beautiful.

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