Chapter Five

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Jackie flew over the fence, clinging onto her horse, Danseuse. She had decided to come up for about a week or so, as Christmas was looming nearby.

Her mother had also telephoned her, asking for Jackie to come up early or so. It took Jackie by surprise, but she didn't mind.

I've been working hard lately. Really hard. Keeping up with JackASS Kennedy over there. I can take a break every once and a while. Plus the fact that after Christmas, everything is going to take off with his election after that. Constant monitoring and watching.

Jackie felt the wind fly through her hair as she forced Danseuse into a gallop, his hooves crunching on the light fluffy snow.

Horseback riding was something that Jackie loved to do. It was something that always calmed her, and was something that she would do whenever she was given the opportunity.

She took in a deep breath of the cold fresh air, coaxing her horse forward.

Forget about Jack Kennedy. You're here on vacation, to get away from all of that. He's a Washington D.C. problem. Not a 'here' problem.

Danseuse let out another grunt and snort, his canter slowing slightly.

"You want to go back? Let's go back," Jackie responded to her horse, giving him a rough pat on the neck.

Danseuse was an older horse, and one that she had since she was a teen. He had been getting up there in age, and Jackie knew that she didn't want to push her horse too much.

The two trotted back towards Hammersmith farm, the two cantering in comparable silence. It was nice for Jackie to take in deep breaths, focusing at the pretty foliage and the sound of Danseuse's hooves on the ground.

As the large mansion came into view, Jackie slowed her horse down to a walk. Dismounting, Jackie led her horse to the stables, handing her old gelding to the groom.

Jackie headed inside, and decided to head upstairs to change. In order to make her way to the grand staircase, Jackie cut through the sitting room, where she noticed her mother.

"Oh, hello, Mummy."

"Oh, hello, Jacqueline. How was your ride?"

"It was pretty good, and it was nice to just be out for once." Jackie responded, a small smile growing on her face.

Janet nodded, a small on her face.

"I'm going to go get changed, but after we can talk about things," Jackie responded, before continuing her journey upstairs.

"Jacqueline, wait. I have something to tell you." Janet said, her voice hesitant.

Jackie turned around to see her mother. "I'll just get freshened up, but you can tell me after."

"No. It's..." Janet hesitated. "It's important."

Jackie sat down, across from her mother. "Alright, let's hear it."

"Jackie, I've gotten a phone call from the Kennedys."

Jackie rolled her eyes. "What about them?"

"John had called, saying something about, campaign work, or something. He said that you needed to be there."

"Why?" Jackie asked, wrinkling her nose. "I'm on leave, I'm not supposed to be contacted on work related matters until after the holidays."

Janet shrugged her shoulders, adjusting her position, flipping a page in her magazine.

"He didn't say much. He just said that the issue was... newsworthy. Something you need to be there for." Janet couldn't meet her eyes.

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