Chapter Ten

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Howdy, ya'll!! So sorry for this awful chapter. I know this probably isn't the content that you're looking for, especially for me being on hiatus for so long. I'm trying to get back into writing again, and with college (eek, I know. When I started this stuff I was a sophomore in high school) writing is again, going to be when I feel like it and when I get around to doing it. Thank you all so much for how much love and support ya'll always give me and thanks for sticking around!

Jack was bed bound. Again. His back had been flaring up for weeks now, especially now that they were on the campaign trail.

"Just great, fantastic," Jack gritted under his breath. "Of course, the worst time that you have to come back is when I have some blood sucking woman on my case about everything." In response to his bitter comment, his back gave out a shout of protest, which caused for Jack to suck in his breath.

"Yeah, well screw you too," He grumbled.

There was a light tap on the door, and Jack felt his face pale. "Come in!" He called out.

Bobby walked in the door, bringing some food from downstairs. Bobby wrinkled his face in confusion to see his brother sitting in bed alone, not on the phone.

"Who were you talking to?"

Jack felt his cheeks go red, from the embarrassment from someone hearing him talk to someone aloud, but it went away as quickly as it came. Bobby was someone who he trusted with his life. Someone that he could confide in, no matter what.

"Oh, just my damn back." Jack responded, shifting the covers. "It always knows when to flare up at the worst times. And of course, it chooses now." Jack grunted.

"Well, stop whining. I brought you some extra food from downstairs. Your favorite, some fish clam chowder." Bobby responded, putting a food tray in front of him.

"Did you put some extra salt in there?" Jack asked, before grabbing his spoon and starting to wolf it down.

"Well, if you mean by 'extra salt,' you mean extra extra EXTRA salt so the food tastes more like sodium rather than the actual meal, yes, I did." Bobby replied sarcastically by pulling up a chair to sit by his brother.

"I don't even know how you can even eat that stuff. You might as well just eat the salt from the shaker."

Jack rolled his eyes. "If I didn't have to eat like this, I wouldn't. I've got to keep up my nutritional benefits somehow."

Bobby shook his head in disgust. "But still, I think there's better ways to help with your Addison's than just ruining some good chowder."

"Don't test me Bobby, please. I'm not in the mood." Jack grumbled.

"I'm assuming today went well?"

"Oh, sure, if you want to know that Dad saw right between the two of us," He grumbled. "If we can't pull this off here, what makes you think we'll pull it off out there?"

"Well, there you go. People that don't know you is one thing, but Dad is completely another. Dad is going to be harsh on you on purpose. He wants to make sure that you both can fool them, which I personally believe you can. "

Jack shifted after a few minutes, to make his back more comfortable.

"Are you completely sure of that?" Jack asked again.

"Confident enough." Bobby answered back.

"Well. We have a lot of work to do." Jack mumbled.

Jack shifted on the bed some more, and Jack simply sighed.

"Can you get me a heat compress for my back?" Bobby nodded, and he moved to leave.

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