Chapter Six

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Jack was now back in Washington. It was the last week of December, and Jack was trying to focus back on his work again.  Usually he wouldn't return back to his job so quickly, but he couldn't stay in Hyannis anymore.  It was too awkward.  His home felt like a prison, and seeing his father just set the tone for uncomfortableness.

Especially that night.  The night where Jack had proposed to Jackie, and told her everything that had been going on behind her back.  The rest of the evening was tryingly forced, and Jack was sure that he wasn't the only one that could sense it. 

He didn't chase after Jacqueline that day.  He let her run away from him.  Hell, he knew that he was the last person she wanted to see.  He remained on the beach, however, partially waiting for her and partially mourning his own loss of freedom. 

Eventually, she returned, with tears stained on her face, her cheeks bright red.  Jack didn't say anything.  He didn't know what to say.  He didn't want to force it upon her, he knew that.  But they both knew, that the show had begun.  She nodded, letting her head fall in defeat, and she belt out her hand.  With that, Jack slipped the ring on to his finger. 

Joe, besides Jack and Jackie, was the only one who knew their true feelings for each other.  Everyone else was under the impression that the engagement was real.  Jack smiled softly at her, not saying anything at first. 

"We can go in whenever you're ready."  Jack told her, and Jackie nodded without saying anything. 

Jack tried to grab her hand to squeeze it in sympathy, but Jacqueline swatted it away.

"I'm ready,"  Jackie responded quietly.

The two walked back inside, and the whole family couldn't help but stare at the pair of them.  Ted must have noticed the tears stained on Jackie's face, as his face wrinkled in confusion.

"Are you alright?" 

Jackie had a smile on her face from being addressed from one of his family members.

She turned her head and looked at Jack, and grabbed his hand. 

"I'm fine.  I-  I'm just really happy.  He just took me by surprise, that's all."

Jack was surprised on how well the lie rolled off her tongue, but didn't make a comment.  It finally clicked to him why his father chose Jacqueline. 

They ate dinner with his family, his siblings asking Jackie plenty of questions.  Jackie answered as vaguely as possibly, trying not to give them a time of day.  Jackie went to bed early, and Jack didn't stop her. 

When he walked past her room, he heard quiet muffled whimpers and sobs, but just ignored it.  He knew that there was nothing that he could say or do that would help her, but let her mourn on her own time. 

  Jack snapped back to reality, and shook his head.  Jack was reviewing papers on his desk, things that he had left rest before heading to Hyannis.  There were a few things to do on African American rights, along with what do with Cuba and Vietnam. 

As Jack was working, he heard a knock on his door.  "Come in!"  He called out.  He didn't know who it was, because Jack hadn't been expecting anyone.

Evelyn wouldn't let just anyone in.  She must have known who they were. 

Jack heard the door open and close, but didn't look up from what he was reading.

"Well, hello to you too,"  A distinct voice broke his thoughts.

Jack looked up, partially shocked to see Jackie standing in front of him.

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