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Jelly's POV

I was looking out of my window and watching the rain hit the window. I got up from my bed and walked over to my record player turning on 'The Police.' I walk over to my dresser and open the top drawer pulling out a clean pair of boxers, a long sleeve hoodie and black ripped jeans. I walk across the hall heading for the bathroom. Once I'm in there I close and lock the door, I take my shirt and pants off. "I'm a mess" I say looking in the mirror.

5:36 pm

I've been laying in my bed listening to music for the past three hours. I pick up my phone and go to Josh's contact, the keyboard popping up on the screen. I texted him hi but I don't see him replying anytime soon. He's with Alyssa, his girlfriend. I hate her I really do...there is just something about her that I can't stand and I just wanna fucking punch her face in. But I can't I don't want to ruin something that means so much to me and Josh would be so so so mad at me.
I get up and walk downstairs only to find my mother passed out drunk on the couch and a dark bruise under my brothers eye. "What happened to you?!" I whispered yelled. I ran over to the table and grabbed his face inspecting it close up. "Mom hit me with a beer bottle" he said crying. "That bitch, I swear to god" I helped him up from the seat and carefully walked him to the bathroom. I picked him up and put him on the counter, getting the first aid kit out from the cabinet. "I can't believe she did this to you" I said while slightly dabbing the cut on his cheek. "I didn't do anything either, I just brought one of my friends up" his brother said crying. "I know... but I won't let anything else happen to you I promise" I said hugging him tightly.

11:15 pm

I walk across the hall to the bathroom, closing and locking the door quietly. I slightly turn the water on and brush my teeth, thinking about josh. 'I miss him' I think to myself as I finish brushing my teeth. I spit in the sink and rinse my mouth out putting the toothbrush back in the holder. I turn the lights off and quietly walk back to my room. When I reach my room I hear my phone go off and I run over to my phone turning the ringer off and answering it.



"Oh hi josh!" I say excitedly

"How are you doing? Everything going okay with ur mom?"

"Not really she took a beer bottle to Logan's face"

"Oh I'm so sorry"

"It's okay I took care of it"

"Okay that's good"


I listen to josh ramble on about the game he's been playing and I think it's adorable when he rambles like that it's just the cutest thing ever.

"Can you come over?"

"Yeah sure, everyone is asleep right?"

"Yeah my mom isn't gonna be home till tomorrow morning and Logan doesn't care I'm pretty sure he's asleep anyway."

"Okay I'm on my way, see you there"


I say through the phone smiling.

I quickly get up and change into my favorite pajama shorts and make my bed. I sit there at my window, heart racing as I watch out the window for that familiar bike. My heart feels like it's going at 100 miles when I see him pull up on his bike and get off. I hear a slight thud hit my roof, knowing it was him I opened my window and smiled at him "hey" he said smiling at me widely. "Hey" I said sighing in happiness. I back away from the window to give him room to come in, as soon as his feet hit the floor I jumped into his arms giving him a huge hug probably cutting off air circulation a little bit. He hugged back just as tightly, I let go looking in his eyes.

"You look tired" he said cupping my face in his palms. "I am" I say as I yawn. "Yeah, well let's get you to sleep then" he says picking me up and laying me in my bed. He crawls up behind me putting his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. "So how's everything" josh asks me, rubbing soothing circles into my arm. "Not good... my depression has been through the roof, She's been hurting my brother, and she's been drinking way too much. More than usual. Josh." I say and start to tear up. "Hey, Hey it's okay I'm here" he says, turning me to face him. "You're the strongest person I have ever met and i will ever meet Jelle, you know you have so much on her and you could get her in so so so much trouble...and I understand if you don't want to it's your mother. Just know I'm always going to be here no matter what comes in the way I don't care if I get killed for being here for you, I will always be here" he says and kissed my forehead.
I start to sob into his chest. "I know you will always be here I don't know how I got so so lucky to have you in my life josh, if I didn't have you I'd be dead... I love you so much" I say back wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling myself into him more, putting my leg on top of his. We sit in silence while we slowly doze off, I hear a slight snoring and I look up seeing his cute sleeping face. I smile and cuddle up to him even more, closing my eyes and thinking about the future of me and josh together and how everything will hopefully change.

Hey I'll have part two out soon I should be posting a lot more cause of corona so yeah I really hope you enjoy this so far it took me a while 😂

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