A date!

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Gene watched as Evie searched her bag for the magic mirror, desperately moving things around like the night at the museum

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Gene watched as Evie searched her bag for the magic mirror, desperately moving things around like the night at the museum. If there was no magic mirror, Evie wouldn't be able to help Gene write the answers or even her name like they had planned to do. Her hand writing was big and obviously a newly learnt skill and the last thing Gene wanted was for the teachers to know, especially one like Mr Deley. "Looking for something? Thank you, Chad. It's gratifying to see someone still respects the honor code. It will be my recommendation that you are expelled," Mr Deley put his hand on the snitch's shoulder, holding the mirror up for the girl to see. Both Gene and Evie glared at the brat of a prince and Gene felt murderess, though with a quick reminder that it was illegal and would send her back to the Isle, she pushed teat feeling aside. Gene looked to the girl next to her, clearly worried and terrified. "Mr Deley, I-" Evie started before someone new joined the conversation, saving Evie from embarrassment.

"But that isn't fair. Obviously she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that... Whatever it is," Doug defended and Gene felt like clapping at the boy's reasoning. Doug was a great guy and the girl had gotten over the fact that he had started the music up when Ben sang that song after the game. "It's a magic mirror," Evie told him and Gene placed her hand on the girl's shoulder, shaking her head when the girl looked at her, successfully stopping her from continuing that sentence. "You're not helping. Stop," Doug said to her before he carried on defending her, "Maybe she needed another pencil,"

"Actually, I was-"

Evie tried once more to intervene but Doug turned to her, "Really, don't help," he turned back to face their teacher as he pleaded, "Please," Evie looked at the man too repeating the small and quiet, "Please," as Gene looked at her paper. She flicked through the pages when the teacher wasn't looking and sighing at how she wouldn't be able to do anything. "Well, If you can pass this test, I'll return your property and let the matter drop," Gene's stomach dropped at the teacher's words, worry settling in as she panicked on answering the questions. Evie was quick to send Doug a smile before helping the stressed out girl next to her.


The Gothel girl stood at her locker, staring at her test paper. She had been worried about Evie not being able to get her mirror back so she made sure the blunette focused mainly on her own paper rather than Gene's. She had managed to get one or two answers in but the majority, basically the whole paper was blank. She felt a presence next to her and turned to see the boy she'd fallen for smiling at her as he leaned against the lockers. "Hi," it was more of a whisper as she spoke, too caught up in his eyes, the slight gloss over them being just another reminder it wasn't real love in his eyes. "What's that?" Ben asked reaching for the paper as Gene went to put it away, hide the mistakes, but Ben took it. He looked at the F written on the front before flicking through the blank pages. "I, um, I'm just," Gene stuttered trying to explain but she couldn't. She let her gaze drop to the floor, terrified of how annoyed he would be. He would hate her, she was sure of it. "Hey, it's ok. How about, to cheer you up, we go somewhere? Like on a date?"

Gene Gothel [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now