Part 1 pieces behind

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Romanogers story🥺❤️
Disclaimer this is not the spy and the soldier I don't know own these characters ~~~~~~~~

"You cheated on me with my best friend how could you!"Steve yelled hurt and angry throwing things off his office

"Steve what are you talking about? I would never do this to you please listen to me!"Natasha begged him to listen to her but he didn't she got tears in her eyes

"Leave now we are done"he said touching his head leaving her heartbroken

She didn't do anything wrong she loved him.The same night she packed her things and left their home she didn't know where to go she didn't had anyone.

She run to her best friend Clint he was always there for her.She was heartbroken and didn't even know what happened between her and Steve.

The clear thing was that he didn't want her in his life anymore and threw her out without even listen to her.

She got depression cause the man she loved her husband thought she cheated with another man when she loved him.

Learning about her pregnancy a few weeks later made her wanna live again she had a reason to live her little angel so she decided that the best is to start a new life away from Steve after she signed the divorcing papers.

She wouldn't tell him about her pregnancy he hurted her and he didn't trusted so why should she? She was scared.

It wasn't really easy starting a new life and without him since she could hear him everywhere he was a famous business man after all.

After Steve returned home she was gone he cursed under his breath and cried and drank to sleep.

He though she cheated there were evidence but he wasn't give up he was gonna look into it.He sended the divorced papers she signed them after a couple of weeks she was moving on life.

Weeks later he got a private investigator she wasn't cheating he closed his eyes and thanked the god.

How could he believe she was cheating? She was his life his wife he was stupid enough to believe them!

He tried to find her she wasn't there anymore and nobody could find her.Until he did by himself.

He was gonna claim her back now.


Her baby's cute noises woke her up.

"Good morning baby you hungry?"she asked smiling at him

Her little angel was just 8months old.She run her finger thru his cheeks and his cute little red hair and smiled.

He looked at her with his blue eyes smiling showing his toothless mouth with his little tong.He was happy and waited for his mother to pick him up and breast feed him.

"My little James I love you so so much"She whispered and kissed him face adjusting to feed him

"Mommy has her day off today buddy so we can be together we can play games we can watch some cartoons whatever you want"she said as he giggled

She picked him up and walked downstairs to make breakfast for her and some cream for him placing him carefully on his high chair she started.

He started moving his little legs around happy watching his mom dance to the beat around the kitchen that was their daily routine.

"You hear the door baby? That must be auntie Wanda"Natasha said smiling she moved to the door and opened it

"How are my two favorite people doin?"Wanda said smiling she hugged Natasha and then walked to little James kissing him around his face

"You will go to work?"Natasha asked Wanda likely Natasha got her day off today

"Yea I am there are some things I need to do but don't stress about your work Tasha is your day off enjoy it with this little prince"Wanda said pinching James cheeks

"Thank you Wanda I will I have planned a long day for us today we will go a walk by the park with the stroller I don't know when I am gonna take a day off again and I hate leaving him to Laura's"Natasha said smiling at little James

"I understand just enjoy the day cause at the company they say that a new buyer has come and we are all scared he might just get rid of us"Wanda said scared

"Oh shoot don't tell me that what am I gonna do them with this guy here?"Natasha asked and the two best friends laughed

"I don't know but anyway I will see you tomorrow at work bye love you"Wanda said hugging her again and left

"Okay so shall we go baby?"She asked her soon who couldn't talk but he made some really cute noises and she was amazed

He cheered his little legs up and his hands for her to pick him.They got to her room she changed him to a pair of baby clothes got herself dressed.

Grabbed her bag with diapers, extra clothes, a bottle keys and phone and left for their day to start.


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