Chapter 2. Teacher?

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[Izuku Pov]

The tests were finally over i don't know why it took so long *sigh*

I followed Mr.Aizawa towards the teachers dorm since everyone is asleep i can roam around safely
We enter the building and went to Mr.Aizawa's dorm.he sets up a bed for me and goes to his bed


I woke up and was stressing out i said to myself
"Where the hell am i? why am not in our bed" then i remembered that im back 20 years.Surprisingly it was really early.the sun was just rising, i check around the room and see that Mr.Aizawa
Wasn't here "huh i guess he's got better things to do" i went outside Mr.Aizawas room and went to the common area
i walk outside the building and it was peaceful the birds were chirping, the sun is was really relaxing
I closed my eyes..

"You're awake" i jump and turn around and it was Mr.Aizawa, i sigh in relief, thank god it wasn't my classmates from the past
"What is it Mr.Aizawa?" I said, Mr.Aizawa replied "Your good"
"Huh?What do you mean by that Mr.Aizawa?"
"It means you're the real deal"
After he said that i suddenly felt the tension go away and felt good "Wait do you have the results?"

Mr.Aizawa just hands me the paper and it all says matching (idk what it looks like when you have a DNA test ) "thank god it matched"
"you will be handling my homeroom class"
"Ho-homeroom?"I said while making a confused face "Yeah Principle Nezu said it was fine to have you teach everybody or not its up to you, we'll explain everything to the class don't Worry"

[Midoriya Pov]

I walk out of the dormitory with lida and uraraka by my side I didn't talk much because
All i can think about is my future self i kept thinking "is he a fake or real" i sigh and Iida notices something and says "whats wrong midoriya you look like you have something in your mind" Uraraka adds "yeah deku-kun whats troubling you" "thanks guys but you don't need to worry about it heh" i reply
"Mr.Aizawa is late today i wonder why?"Uraraka says
Everybody in class were making so much noise with lida adding to it from Calling them out
Mr.Aizawa comes in
"OI QUIET DOWN GET BACK TO YOUR PROPER SEATS" as he said that everyone was silent and in there seats
"I wont be your homeroom" as he said that The class was full of
At this point everybody in class was confused because why the sudden shift
Mr.Aizawa explained that
He will not be our homeroom teacher
FOR NOW we have a substitute

"All i can tell you that he is from the future,you might recognize who he is by his looks and his costume so go ahead ask him anything about your future"Mr.Aizawa said as he went in his sleeping bag
I thougt to myself "oh god its me"
"Come in"
[Izuku Pov]

I came in and saw the class, i just got the biggest Hit of nostalgia seing everyone seated and everyone looking less mature compared to me Mr.Aizawa said
"Care to explain yourself?" "Oh right"
"Uh i guess you already know me by my looks?"

The class had their jaw dropped

"Um im from the future"

Then everybody suddenly burst out of questions

Mr.Aizawa said
"QUIET DOWN,IM TRYING TO SLEEP"he says activating his quirk
The class instantly shut up
After seeing that I thought to myself "heh everybody's afraid of Mr.Aizawa"

"Ok lets start with a Q&A,ok raise your hand properly and don't scream"


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