Chapter 5. Class

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Hagakure's Pov is happening during
Izuku seeing Ochako
Enjoy the chapter!!!

[Hagukure Pov]

"OH MY GODDD Midoriya is gonna get with
Ochako in the future.i gotta tell Mina about this"i quickly and swiftly go to the girls bathroom where i left my clothes
I quickly get them on and head back to class

As i went inside i see Mr.Aizawa was still teaching,Mr.Aizawa said "where were you,you missed half the lesson"in his usual monotone Voice

"I had to switch ou-"before i finished my sentence Mr.Aizawa cut me off by saying
"Ok i get it,its a good thing you didn't skip because if you did YOU WILL RECIVE A UNTHINKABLE PUNISHMENT now sit down and listen"

"Yes Mr.Aizawa"
As i sit down. i signal at mina
She eventually notices and says "whats up"
"I know who's Midoriya gonna marry in the future" i say
"You bet"

Time went by felt like i just blinked and
Its already lunch
I see Mina with Kirishima i signal at her that its time
"Sorry Kirshima i have to talk to Hagakure.we'll talk later"

"Its fine i have to hang out with bakugo and kaminari anyaways,see you later"

She waves goodbye to kirishima
"I see that you like kirishima"
"What,no,never"whilst blushing
"You know it's pretty obvious"
"Come on toruu"
"Heh.lets get our food first and i'll spill the tea"

We got our food and sit

"SPILL" mina says
"Ok ok just wait"
I explain to her that future Midoriya is married to Ochako

~League Of Villains~

[Shigaraki Pov]

"Yes Shigaraki"
"Teleport that dude here i just had a idea"
"Yes Shigaraki"

[Black Mist Pov]

As i teleport around the city i still couldn't find
Him"Where is he? I say to myself as i had my last place to teleport i see him "OI I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING"
He quickly turns around and instantly he's right infront of me "damn this guy is fast" i say under my breath
"What do you want i swear i saw them enter
Daichi's soba"
"Forget about it for now Shigaraki has a good plan get them later"
As i teleport to our new head quarters i see
Shigaraki standing there

[Shigaraki Pov]

"Took you awhile"
"Sorry Shigaraki this dude is so fast its hard to find him"
"Its fine now we can discuss our new plan"

The Next Morning

[Denki Pov]

Me and Kyoka wanted to be early because we knew we were going to search for them for a long time heck maybe the whole country of japan as we were searching i had a random idea that popped it my brain "Hey kyoka wouldn't it be logical if we go to UA because there will most likely be Izuku there"

"Why didn't you say anything"
"Hey it just popped into my mind
"And thats one more reason why i love you"kyoka says She kisses me on the lips just for a split second
I stay there frozen until she snapped me out of it
"You wanna stand there forever or help me find them"

[Izuku Pov]

I just woke up its pretty early.
Mr.Aizawa said that it was ok to sleep in
Recovery Girls office to keep my wife company
I check the time on the wall
6:05am Maybe i can go walk outside to clear my mind
"I-izuku good morning"
"Good morning to you as well" as i kiss her forehead
"What were you saying"
"Oh i just said that i wanted go for a walk in the UA campus"
"i'll come with"
"Wait are you feeling anything any pain?"
"Hehe stop worrying izuku im fine just a few bruises thats all plus im a adult now i can make my own decisions"
"I mean you are right"

After leaving Recovery Girls office and the building we feel the breeze of the morning
"Beautiful isn't it"she says
"Yeah just like you"
"Stop it Izuku you're flattering me"
"How can i stop if you're really beautiful"
"You know i really love you"
"And i will always will"
After i say that i immediately kiss her
She gave me a entrance our tongues were intertwined with each other battling for dominance i eventually win
We pull out of each other for air leaving a string of saliva it eventually broke off
"We will come back for them i know we will"

"Count us in too"
As i hear those words
I turn to the entrance and see them
"Looks like there not the only one in this world"





Sorry no fun facts today couldn't think of any lol

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