Chapter 12|Portal

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[Shouto Pov]

We were cornered..
Birds swarming us,Jirou's earphone jacks amplified hitting us,falling debri from Uraraka,
They had a a really great plan but they're really relaying on the 10 seconds.the birds made a opening for a person to come thru i see
"Momo?"(past) she made hand cuffs while running

"9" as soon as she approaches us the shock wore off.i made a giant ice wall to block her
I immediately grab Momo (future)
"Are you okay?" I say while panting
"Im fine Shoto how about you" she says worryingly "im fine for now we need to take care of them" "Right"

We run off to the opposite direction towards the others were kinda hoping that they have already immobilized the other people There
If not its going to be a 6v10 and were not supposed to use full of our power

We eventually see the others playing Rock Paper Scissors "Hey guys did you already fini-" Izuku says before i cut him off "WHY THE ARE YOU GUYS PLAYING ROCK PAPER SCISSORS WE HAVE 5 PEOPLE TAILING US"

"Momo make a electric proof blanket i have a plan involving Denki" she makes a huge blanket from her back "Everyone get under the blanket except Denki,Go all out"
"You got it Shoto" denki says while making a thumbs up

We here Denki scream "5.7 Million Volts!"
We went outside to see everyone lying down to the floor woth Denki in his Yay Mode
"Looks like were done here"Ochako says
Juts then Tokoyami and Midoriya pop out of the smoke "Were not done here yet!" Midoriya screams running towards us with Tokoyami close behind with Dark shadow covering his whole body (Abyssal black body)

"Don't worry guys i got this" Izuku says while holding us back  "IRELAND SMASH" he says punching the ground,Tokoyami and Midoriya fall because of the ground destruction caused by izuku

We here the speakers say "VILLAINS WIN HEROES LOOSE"

[Izuku Pov]

We help everyone get up and go to recovery girl,Thankfully nobody got hurt bad unlike the practice we had at ground gamma (TDL) where everyone was injured.i help myself get up "How did i get so strong" i hear him say under his breath "i just trained hard" i say nonchalantly
His eyes widen from the surprising reply i just smile at his response

We eventually have everyone who were injured get treated by recovery girl.luckily nobody was badly injured just some bruises and cuts
And just like that we're moving on to Team 2
Who were Todoroki,Iida,Bakugo,Sero,Kirishima,Shoji
Mina,Aoyama,Sato and Tsuyu
They had a really good team.they had the power the brains and most importantly teamwork.. Now this is going to be interesting

We arrive at the Landslide zone,they were nice enough to let us go first,the landslide zone was more open unlike the ruins zone.i have a feeling they're just going all out because why would they choose a open area like this

(A/N I decided to change the zone that they're going to fight in)

"Everyone lets stick together i have a feeling they're going to go all out on us" i say
A few minutes pass by with nothing happening until we see acid,tape and a laser coming towards luckily Shoto has good instincts and made a giant ice wall before it hit us.i look back to see Bakugo Iida And Sato running towards us "2 coming from both sides" Denki screams
Damn it how do we do this I thought to myself
There's no good tactic to a sandwich attack
"Everyone go pick what side you want to fight! We're doing a free for all too"

I went towards Bakugo Iida and Sato,im confident enough to take them all on
I look back for a second to see all the girls are handeling Mina Aoyama and Sero with Denki and Shoto going solo

I see Bakugo make the first move he flys towards me and grabs my hood and slams me to the ground,i look up to see iida kick me on the face and sato pounding me to the ground screaming "Ora ora ora ora"

I was planing on going easy on them because they're just in their first year but getting hit with this im not afraid to go above 50%
They were done pounding me to the ground
I look up and say "Sorry" and punch the ground "I accidentally used 100% of One for all when i punched the ground and made a so called mini earthquake

The debri was covering the entirety of the landslide zone i could barely see anyone,Bakugo appeared right infront of me and screamed "DIE" i grab his hands and slam him to the ground making more debris

After a few minutes the debri finally settled and saw everyone Denki in his yay mode with Kirishima Shoji and on the floor
Meanwhile Shouto has Todoroki (past) and Tsuyu trapped in ice,i glance to the girls and see Aoyama Holding his stomach,Sero trapped in his own tape with handcuffs on him and mina who only has handcuffs
I look over to my side to see Iida and Sato trapped in rocks while Bakugo is knocked out cold on the floor

We hear the announcer say "Villains win Heroes loose" we see the robots taking everybody injured or knocked out
We gather and take off our weights and choker shockers "Nice work guys" i say while smiling

~Time Skip~

It was the end of the school day we see everyone going back to the UA dorms
We discuss how we were going to find the league with the teachers and the Principal

The sun was setting and the meeting ended
We were going to the teachers dorm where we'll be sleeping for the next few days
I hear something strange like a portal forming
"Hey guys did you hear that?"I exclaim
We look up to see the LEAGUE with a bunch of high tech nomu's from the future coming out of the huge portal made by kurugori
We see a one nomu completely destroy half of the UA building "Girls inform the teachers on whats going on us guys we'll hold them back" i say while making a stance

We see the future Shigaraki being held up by a flying Nomu scream " I WILL ELIMINATE THIS FUTURE OF HEROES AND KILL THE HEROES WHO WERE TELEPORTED HERE"

Me and the guys start to Kill of Nomu's one by one with all our might we were already tired and weak at this point we can barely use our quirks at its fullest

We were struggling already Shouto struggling to make more ice and fire to kill and freeze the
Nomu's,Denki has no more discs to shoot and has to resort on the human stun gun which is one of his ultimate moves
I see sone of the teachers come out
Everyone was shcoked on what's happening
All Might had his hands on his mouth
Ectoplasm started to make more clones of himself
Mr.Aizawa already went into action


End of Chapter

To be Continued



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