Chapter 15|20 YEARS FIN

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"So you lived,bastard" he says wiping blood from his mouth "I'LL LIVE UNTIL MY MISSION IS DONE" i scream out "Well then YOUR MISSON IS DONE" he screams out jumping towards me.i also jump towards him having 100% of One for All in my right fist

We were approaching eachother quick and before i knew it we had collided fists.My Right arm hits his stomach while his fist hits my face Blood comes out of my mouth while my punch breaks all his bones so as i thought "Nice job clone,man if i were there i've been already dead too bad for you" he says appearing behind eyes widen to the sound of his voice letting out a gasp in the process "BASTARD,AHHHHHH" i scream turning around having one for all flow into my right hand

"AHHHHH" as my punch landed he disappeared.i was confused on what had just happened "It'll take more than a punch to defeat me IZUKU MIDORIYA" he says with 50 clones saying the same thing
I was doomed i had no idea of who the real Shigaraki was.if they all had the same power as him im doomed i thought "need some help *cough* midoriya" he says with ice coming out of the ground and stabbing some Shigaraki's "TODOROKI" i scream out "Well Well Well looks like the Number 1 hero really needs help after all hee" he says with a smile on his face and a slight chuckle at the end "KAMINARI" i scream "Yo" he says swiping his two fingers from his forehead

"Everyone" i say happily "Dont forget this girl midoriya" Kaminari points to his back using his thumb,kyoka being carried  "Kyoka!" "YOU BASTARDS" Shigaraki screams out,as he said that everything went white my vision comes back to me to see "UA" everything destroyed,the dorms,the mountain,the building everything "WHERE'S THE OTHERS!" I say "were right here Midoriya ugh" he says pushing the rock of his back "KAMINARI YOU SURVIVED" "Of course i survived do you think i'll die here" he says "But where's Todoroki" i say with concern "I dont know"

Just as Kaminari said that there was another boom but it was alot smaller
We look towards where the explosion happend and saw "TODOROKI" we see him fighting Shigaraki head on,he's using his ice for mobility while Shigaraki is flying "C'mon we need to get to him" i say to Kaminari

[Todoroki Pov]

Were battling on the sky now,im using my ice to get towards Shigaraki but he's just that fast,He just randomly stopped in the sky i stop as well because he might have a plan he said "You'll all die by my hand and points at me especially you and midoriya" he says in a murderous voice "Sorry i have no intention of dying today" i say coldly "Well how about NOW" he screams as he said "Now" i got dragged out of my ice and was being pulled by his finger as i was approaching him he says "Bungee Gum has the properties of gum and rubber" he says in a sadistic matter as i approached his range He says charging his fist with some aura "Rock Paper Scissors,ROCK" as he said that he punched my face breaking a few bones and blood coming out of both my nose and mouth,as i was free falling he gets me again and screams "ITS NOT OVER YET" in a happy manner like he was enjoying this,i approached his range and he pulls out a sword from a book with a 5 leaf clover for its cover,he stabs it into my chest barely missing my heart,i was in the air the only thing not letting me fall is the sword stabbed in me

I was loosing the energy and feel my body feeling more heavy by the second i thought to myself "Is this the end,if it is then so be it" i was closing my eyes until i heard a feint voice "TODOROKI" my eyes widen to the voice.i look down and see "m-midori-ya" i see Kaminari holding onto Midoriya's legs holding on for deal life "YOU BASTARDS DONT KNOW WHAT IT MEANS TO QUIT DONT YOU" Shigaraki screams out "GOMU GOMU NO JET GATLING" HE SAYS GROWING EXTRA ARMS AND IT STARTS STRETCHING AND PUNCHING AT A RAPID RATE,i look down and Midoriya says "KAMINARI BE MY HUMAN SHIELD" "WHAT" as kaminari said that he was flung towards the arm barrage i look up again and Shigaraki says "I think thats enough quirk power i stole from you,you have no use for me now" he says retracting the sword out of my chest

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