Chapter 4. Searching

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To Celebrate i released 2 chapters

[Denki Pov]

I fell from the sky "What the hell"
I soon land on the ground painfully
"Ugh where the hell am i" while rubbing my head
"Looks like the guy had a teleportation quirk,
No worries i can just use my communicators"
Why am i so smart,i press the communicators on my ear "Huh why is it buffering, it should
Pick up immediately" i tried everything charge it with electricity nothing
Looks like i got to do it the manual way and look for them

Things don't look like this,why does it all look familiar but it doesn't at the same time
Then i remember why me and ochako attacked
That guy
I immediately think "what would kyoka do in this situation,THINK THINK.

"I got it she would either go to her parents house or our apartment"

I ask a stranger "hey this seems weird but what year is it"

(A/N i dont know what year MHA is set in so lets just say its 2016)

The stranger says "its 2016"
"Thanks" i say to the stranger

"Wait 2016 so that means OH GOD i traveled back to the past 20 years to be exact
Wait since its 2016 that must mean we're still in high school"

But in not in my high school body
I sigh knowing i didn't get switched with my younger me's body "so that's what the villains
Quirk was"
Wait does this mean we all got teleported here

Where would the others be if i were them

Ochako would be with Izuku
Izuku would be with All Might
Kyoka would be in her parents house

A few minutes of planing and what to do

I know what to do,i know my wife best so she'll Be in her parents house i'll find her first then we can use her earphone jack to track down
Izuku and Ochako then plan from there
"Right i should know where my wife's parents
I go to the direction of her house

~Time Skip~

"Hopefully this is the right address,i mean i use to go to her house"
I knock on the door and hear her voice
"Who is it"
Her voice is so calming it sent chills down my spine knowing she is also hear
I say "Kyoka its me Denki"

[Kyoka Pov]

As i hear those first few words
"it can't be He can't be"
as tears inside my eyes started forming i hear the last few words
"Its me Denki"

I open the door and kiss him immediately
As our lips were fighting for dominance
We eventually pull out of our kiss leaving a
String of saliva connecting our two lips
I say to Denki while hugging him
"I knew you would come back from me"
"I always do" says denki
"Hows Kaito"
"Don't worry i had my mom take care of him"
"Thank God" while tightening our hug
"If we don't come back i said to my mom we died during our mission tell that to Kaito too"
"No Denki we will come back"
"Yeah"denki says
"I know we will" i say

Tears started to flow down my cheek
I can feel my left shoulder also wet
Denki's crying to

"I promise we will come back Kaito"

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