Chapter 10. Rings?

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This chapter is nothing special because
This was already written before
We hit 1k reads

[Shigarki POV]

"So you're telling me you're from the future and the future 1-A brats are here too"

"Yeah if i can kill them here our future will be clean from these brats"

"So why do you think we'll help you?"

"Because if i kill them there's a high chance that we'll kill them too"

"You can trust me right im you from the future"

"I can make you a super nomu from my knowledge of the future"
(Ahem tie in with high end vs endeavor in my universe)

[Midoriya Pov]

After the beatdown yesterday we weren't the same everyone was gloomy today even kachan who is usually screaming every morning but today was different everybody knew it was going to be another beatdown but fingers
Crossed we don't get a beatdown and just practice with our quirks

Mr.Aizawa came in we were all shocked it wasn't me from the future but Mr.Aizawa he must've came back to his future

"Everyone you will be training"

Everybody was tense at this point we didn't know if quirk or sparing

"You will do a huge practice today with the future people who has had a addition to them
So 6v20 this will count for 20% of your grade ( A/N not really he just said that bcz he wants them to put out their max potential this practice doesn't count for shat)
We'd figure that it'll be more effective if we let you guys practice with more experienced guys like them"

Mr.Aizawa explained the rules

"It will be split with 10 people each team with a maximum of 30 minutes to finish the test the future people can only use half of the percent of their quirks with arm bracelets which weight 15 pounds and a choker with electricity which always goes off every 5 minutes for 10 seconds
It'll be set in U.S.J each team can pick which part where they can battle it out
Teams are



Anymore questions?"while putting on his yellow sleeping bag
Mina raises his hand "Who are the additions?"
"Oh yeah i forgot to say,its Yaoyorozu and Todoroki from the future"in his usual monotone voice

"Go get your costumes put them on i'll wait for you all in the bus"

We soon arrive to the bus where everybody is in there usual places even tho there's no assigned seats.Me and Uraraka were just talking about how this is a really great opportunity to have to battle ourselves in the future,soon enough we arrive to U.S.J

"Teams choose your preferred calamity to fight in"Mr.Aizawa said

We chose the Ruins zone so we can so we have the element of surprise the goal was to immobilize them so we laready have an advantage from the terrain,Team 2
Decided to pick Landslide zone.i don't exactly know why they picked the zone but its their choice

We see them for the first time Yaoyorozu and Todoroki
Todoroki was so much taller from the todoroki now he's probably 187 cm (6'2 for my american readers) with both of his hair a little longer and his white half pulled to the side towards his ear and his red hair covering more of his scar
Uhm- got b-bigger,her costume was much more revealing now i guess the amount of skin you can reveal in the future is pretty laid back

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