Chapter 14|Decision

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Waring:there's alot of POV changes towards the end

[Izuku Pov]

"Do anything right?" He says knocking everybody out with just one slash leaving us six "YOU 6 VERSUS US" Damn it,i don't know what to do,all of our backup are knocked out cold "I-Izuku what do we do?"Ochako says with fright in her voice,everybody is at a standstill just from the pure shock

Im looking down from all the pressure on my back.i cant handle it anymore "Midoriya what's the pla-" "WE FIGHT WITH BRUTE FORCE" i cut off Jirou before she could finish what she was saying,i raise my head with a smile on my face "We'll go beyond plus ultra" with 100% of One for all freely flowing thru me "Throw everything you got,do it until you're last breath"

"ARE YOU BRATS DONE TALKING?" he says that with a giant tail going to hit us,i punched the tail so hard that the tail disintegrated "Were done talking" i say with smug look on my face
we start charging towards Shigaraki with me running at the highest speed my legs can take,Todoroki is making things from his ice to make his travel time lessen with Yaoyorozu,Jirou and Kaminari are clearing a way for me,Ochako is making the Nomu's float

Were all trying to take down Shigaraki and return back to our Universe where we can be reunited with our family,where we can all be happy

We were closing the gap between us and Shigaraki,i was the first one to reach him
I throw a punch towards Shigaraki but he blocks it with one of the quirks he stole
I get close to him and use both of my arms to punch him "NORTH AND SOUTH KOREA SMASH" he blocks it only using his arms,im surprised he blocked it with his own arms "You're probably confused why i used my arms instead of the quirk i was using before to block you're attacks.see the reason is i used another quirk that i stole its called FULL COUNTER" as he said that i was sent flying with power and force rivaling my punches.i eventually hit something to stop me "was that Melioda's quirk,i written about how to counter it,Think,Think" i got up to where i was stuck and saw Fire and Ice.I see Todoroki Make a giant iceberg but break instantly from one punch from Shigaraki "Damn it.How many quirks did he steal" i say running towards him

"ZA WARUDO" Shigaraki screams,as he screamed that everything stayed still.every color turned to black and white,our thoughts are ok but we cant move,we're like in a sleep paralysis but its a quirk.i see him appear right in front of me and said to my face "DIE MIDORIYA IZUKU" as he said that he punched me in the stomach.his punch penetrating thru my back,I didn't feel the pain "is this a illusion?" I thought yo my self "Time has begun to move once more" he says with a smirk on his face.As he said it everything went back to normal and i felt the pain and i fell to the ground with a gaping hole on my stomach


Am i dying? My vision is slowly turning black all i can see is Shigaraki's face,i can barely hear,everything is muffled.this is the end,as my final thoughts ran thru my head everything went pitch black,i see a ray of light 

"Young Midoriya"

"All Might!"

"Young Midoriya.looks like you're joining me"

"Yeah,but i want to go back!"

"How.your wounds are unhealable"

"I need to complete my job as the symbol of the world"

"You have done enough.young Midoriya"

"Come with me Young Midoriya or do you want to go back"

He reaches out his hand to me "come with me or do you want to come back"

[Shoto Pov]

As i was about to attack him he screams "ZA WARUDO" as he said that everything went black and white and stayed still "what is this power" i thought to my self,Shigaraki approaches me and says "There's a 20 meter barrier surrounding you with all the quirks i stole combined into one attack,if you even think about attacking me the barrier gets triggered and attacks you until you stop thinking about attacking me" he disappears right infront of me, after a few seconds everything went back to normal.i look behind to see "MIDORIYA" as i said that the barrier activated all the quirks that he stole hit me all at once ice,fire,water,wind,rocks,copy of people,sounds that are so loud that it can make eardrums bleed,backfiring quirk,a tail,golems,a meteor, lasers,lava,and even more i cant name [You can add any quirk you wish],i cant even stand anymore im bleeding like crazy,im beaten up,all the quirks finally finished its attack.i see "MOMO"
"SHOTO HOLD OUT YOU'RE HAND" i followed what she instructed and held out my hand,she grabbed my hand and threw me away from the barrier

"M-momo" i called her name to grab her attention "Yes shoto" "find Mr.Aizawa get eri,we'll hold him off" "But you can't you're badly injured you need to re-"
"STOP WORRYING ABOUT ME JUST DO WHAT I SAY!,if you have both of them go back here" I say "R-roger"
I see her run away "Good thing i made her make me a pain killer" i say it as i inject myself with a pain killer "this should help for the fight"
I immediately got up and I immediately start to leak blood "Damn it,i need to help" i say holding up my arm

I make a giant ice wall/berg by far the biggest one i've ever created "KYOKA AND KAMINARI *coughs blood* HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN OCHAKO?" I scream "YEAH S-SHE GRABBED MIDORIYA AND RAN AWAY WITH MOMO" Kyoka says " WHY?" I scream

Shigaraki destroys my ice wall and says to me
"So you survived all my quirks and left the barrier,too bad you're going to die anyways"
"Everyone buy Momo and Ochako some time i think i know what they're going to do" i scream

[Momo Pov]

We see Mr.Aizawa laying down to the ground,we see him breathalyzer and with a heart beat "Mr.Aizawa please wake up" "please"
"Ugh what happend" me and Ochako's eyes turn wide open "No time to explain Mr.Aizawa just please let us know where eri-chan is"

Momo & Shouto's thoughts
"We're both counting on each other so we shouldn't mess this up"

We eventually arrive at the teachers dorm and went to Mr.Aizawa's room to see "ERI"

[Shouto Pov]

Us three are barely holding on Kaminari's already jammed his brain thrice this battle he's basically useless,Kyoka can barely dodge Shigaraki's hits meanwhile with me all i have been doing is getting close to Shigaraki and get knocked back again we need them to come back asap


All Might:You have two options Young Midoriya,you are being given another chance in the real world,two options would you join me or would you want to comeback
Midoriya:i'll see you again ALL MIGHT

[Midoriya Pov]
I hear echoing voices
"Eri-chan its working"
"Keep doing you're best!"

I open my eyes,one for all flowing freely at 100%
"Eri-chan it worked" Momo says "I-izuku?" Ochako says while cupping her mouth,crying
I just rose up from where i was laying and launched off,im nearing Shigaraki and scream "UNITED STATES"  and this caught him off guard,for a split second i see him in utter shock,i punch Shigaraki in the face "SMASH" continuing the smash as i punch Shigaraki.the punch makes a sonic boom and send him flying

"So you lived,Bastard" Shigaraki says wiping blood from his face and chuckles

To be Continued





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