Chapter 3

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Their first morning together is one of many others. Natasha usually wakes up to the smell of eggs and bacon coming from the kitchen and, sometimes, when he's fast enough — or when she sleeps in longer— to breakfast in bed with a soft peck on her lips.

It's nice and sweet whatever their thing is. They haven't labeled it and it's for the best. Labeling makes it so definite...and real.

This Saturday she suggested they have a picnic in Central Park now that the sunnier days are out. She took care of bringing the basket with food and he brought wine.

It is a warm and sunny day afternoon indeed. His head is resting in her lap while she feeds him raspberries and grapes. It's a pleasant spot, he can smell the subtle scent of her hovering perfume. They blend seamlessly among the other couples sunbathing across the area.

"Any plans tomorrow?" he asks.

"Going to Soho with Maria. She needs a dress to attend one of her cousin's engagement party."

"The horror," he jokes sarcastically.

She looks down at him and reaches for the shades on his nose. "You have no idea," she answers as she puts them on.

He nods. "We can meet after, though. I'll hail a cab to get to your place."

"Actually," he raises an eyebrow. "How about dinner and watching a show? I happen to have two tickets for that new Broadway production."

"You happen to have two tickets?" she teases with a circumspect look.

He laughs sheepishly — it's cute to watch. "Details. What do you say?"

She teasingly pulls his shades down the bridge of her nose and eyes him tentatively. "I say...let's do this."

He smiles triumphantly. "How about a glass of wine, now?"

A couple of hours later, the sun is high in the sky, radiating heat generously, laughter of playing children can be heard in the distance. Natasha is lying on her back, Steve on top of her, kissing her softly. Her lips are surprisingly cool, like a refreshing and flavored drink on this particularly warm day. It all started with an innocent peck on the lips, and now, he finds it hard to stop. Or at least, he found it hard to stop a minute ago; now his mind has wandered off completely. She's the one who breaks the heated kiss.

"They're gonna call the cops on us," she jokes.

He groans softly. "Let 'em. I'm a lawyer," he murmurs between two kisses.

Her chuckle echoes against his lips.

The familiar beeping sound of a Watch makes them both freeze. They instinctively want to glance at the one around her wrist but a new beeping echoing the first catches their attention. They both look over and watch as a woman sitting against the tree nearby stares speechlessly at the man who has just taken off his jacket to sit on it. The two strangers glance down at their Watches then at each other. It takes them a few seconds to gather their thoughts.

"May I join you?" the man asks. The woman closes her book and smiles bashfully as she nods. He comes to sit under the tree next to her and Steve and Natasha watch as they engage into a conversation that flows effortlessly. A moment later, they're already laughing in astounding harmony. The easiness of the process is unsettling.

And it dawns on Natasha and Steve like dark cloud rolling in.

"It's getting chilly," she says a few minutes later. "Wanna go?"

"You're right."

They heavily get on their feet, pick up their plates and glasses and walk away. Steve glances one last time over his shoulder. The two strangers are blending flawlessly among the other couples nearby.

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