Chapter 7

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She nervously squeezes the strap of her purse as she stands on the front steps of the white-painted building.

She walked past it for the first time a couple of days before — or at least she noticed the sign on the door which, in other circumstances never would have called to her.

The launching of the Watch had been ground-breaking socially but such an invention came with downsides, too. Serious ones. Shortly after being released to the public, group talks began to emerge until they became as common as any AA meetings.

She wasn't sure what drew her to that group — or even if she belonged there — and despite brushing off the idea at first, it germinated deep within her mind and grew till long, tangled roots spread all over.

And now that she is staring at the sign, with the door agape in an invitation, the uncertainty isn't stronger than her eagerness to walk through that door.

She pushes it and goes up the dim staircase. A paper with a big black arrow printed on it invites her to turn right. Down the hallway, a wooden door with a glass square is open.

About ten people are sitting on chairs set in a big circle. One of them gets up, shakes her hand, and welcomes her to the group.

She doesn't speak for the 40 minutes, listening to the many stories that have probably been shared a dozen times over.

There is Laura, 43, mother of 3, whose husband left her for his assistant.

"I mean, the boss sleeping with his secretary is a tale as old as time, but how could I guess she'd be his soulmate?"

Beth, 51, whose soulmate is a 26-year-old man. Their Watches beeped 8 months ago at the supermarket. Their respective families aren't taking it so well. His, especially.

Nolan, 27, engaged to his high-school sweetheart. They decided to buy a Watch to reinforce their love. His beeped when he met his new coworker the following Monday. Colin.

"How do I know I'm even gay?"

Jaquan, 22, young and adventurous, ready to win hearts. He bought the Watch because it sounded cool, positive it wouldn't beep until he nears 30. According to the timer, he is only 6 weeks away.

Camille, 33, flamboyant hair and bright sneakers, has been happily dating Julia for the past 4 months until the Watch her parents offered her on her birthday said her soulmate is Alexandra, her BFF.

Gabriella, 27, has been saving herself for marriage. She bought the Watch when she turned 18. Her match, Mateo, 30, has been nothing but amazing. But the idea of taking the plunge has been scarier than she thought.

Pete, 37, matched with Meredith, 35, last year. She's funny, beautiful and has a brilliant career. The problem is their political divergences.

"I can't possibly be with someone who voted for a bigoted millionaire with dangerously limited vocabulary and a burger fetish! I don't care that it's written in the stars!"

Those are some of the complicated stories Natasha heard. 10 minutes before the end, Jim, who leads the group and greeted her earlier, turns to her.

"Maybe you would like to tell us about your Watch-ache. What brought you here?"

She blinks numbly. She openly becomes the center of attention and the furtive, curious glimpses from earlier have turned into blunt stares.

"You're safe here, sweetie," Nolan says with a reassuring nod.

"That's the gayest thing you've ever said here," Camille remarks after blowing a bubble with her gum.

Nolan looks daggers at her.

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