Running Out Of Luck

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The chilly night air made the fine hairs on my arms stand up as I said my goodbyes to Carol. Her husband had come to pick her up as he usually did, and as usual she offered me a ride home. I had, also as usual, declined the kind offer, an offer she always made me. Carol and her husband, Jim, lived in the exact opposite direction of where I rented my small one bedroom apartment. Besides I knew that Jim had an early shift tomorrow morning. I wasn't a complete asshole, I could walk home. It wouldn't kill me.

I gave a small wave, and watched as their car left the parking lot before I turned around and made my own way in the opposite direction. The chill in the air combined with the sore soles of my feet almost made me regret not taking the much older woman up on her offer for once. Little did I know that the feeling of regret I felt at this very moment was nothing compared to what I would feel later on.

It didn't take long until I reached the outskirts of town. My pace was brisk, the chill in the air made sure of that. And yet, despite my body working hard on keeping warm, on moving forward, I couldn't help but feel like the nights chilled air clung to me like a second skin.

Damn... I should have brought a jacket...

But... I never expected to get off from work this late... did I...

And why would I?

I was suppose to have a fucking early shift today... not be stuck at work from sunrise to sundown!

Damned selfish assholes...

I swear... the next time I see either of their fucking faces at work I'm gonn...

The fuck!

Just what the fuck was that!

I spun around on my heel and faced the direction I had just come from. My heart beat so loudly that I could basically taste the erratic rhythm on the tip of my tongue. The fine hairs on my neck stood erect as my wide eyes searched the night for any indication of just who, or what for that matter, had made that sudden crunching sound. It was a sound that didn't belong here. There wasn't a single person in sight, no pedestrians, no cars, and no houses. I was surrounded by a dense forest on one side and an open field on the other. This part of my walk home was usually done in solitude. I lived on the outskirts of town, and it was rare to meet anyone at all, let alone hear anything even remotely close to resembling the disturbing sound I had just heard. In fact, I never had. That's why the sudden sound had not only unnerved me, but actually scared the living shit out of me.

Who's there...

Is someone watching me from the woods?

What the fuck is going on here?

I know I heard it... I know I heard something...

I heard... what did I actually hear?

My eyes scanned the line of trees to my left, but the lack of light made trying to see what was past the first line of trees a futile endeavor. In fact, anyone could be watching me as I stood in the bright glare of the street light and I would be none the wiser.

Fuck! Just breathe... calm down... it was probably just a squirrel or something...

Yeah right... sure... cause squirrels make those kinds of sounds...

It sounded like... like...


Just ignore it... you are going to feel so fucking silly when you get home and it turns out to be nothing...

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