The Smell Of Your Sweetened Lie

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Michael turned his head to face me at my near-silent reply, his face schooled into an unreadable mask.

"Come again?"

Pain erupted in my chest as his cold words froze me in place. My heart had surely stopped because of it, only it hadn't. It was only two words, but the way they were delivered said it all, he was standing at the very edge of something unpleasant. The smallest ting felt like if could tip him over. Michael's hand released my own captive hand from his only to grab ahold of my chin instead. He clutched the tip, turning my head in his direction as he spoke. He forced my eyes away from the two unconscious forms lying on the floor as he brought my eyes into the burning line of his sight.


My voice had sounded weak before, and the scrutiny of his gaze did nothing to nurture it. Heck, I almost sounded uncertain in my decision despite the single fact that I had never been so sure about anything in my life. I would not spread my legs for him, and hell would freeze over if I ever helped him prepare for one of his sick twisted games.

"Really, no? No to what exactly Sophie? Use your words. I don't expect you to use large words, but at least try to construct a complete sentence when you address me."


I begged myself to stop, to halt the flow of words which lingered on the tip of my tongue. He was a fucking monster, and I was pretty sure that enlightening him to that fact would not in any way earn me brownie points let alone an extension on my life.

Just keep fucking quiet Soph...

For your own good...

Count to ten...



Ahhh... hell...

Fuck it!

"You want me to use my fucking words? Fine! I'll use my words."

Burning fire ran through my veins as I glared up at the man holding my face captive in the palm of his hand. My mind screamed at me to stop this eruption of words before I ended up with a damned knife sticking out of my gut because of it, but I just couldn't help myself. It was like a dam had broken, and what had been secured behind it just exploded outwards. There was no stopping it, no stopping the mass of destruction which spewed out. There was bound to be casualties, and my gut told me quite clearly that I was bound to be one of them. The stabbing pain in my abdomen was a sure indicator of what my gut screamed at me to do.

Stop! Don't say one more fucking word!

It's too bad I didn't heed any of the red flags. I didn't heed the stabbing in my gut, I didn't heed my own mind begging me to stop, I didn't heed the cold indifferent mask Michaels face had become, I didn't heed the tightening of his grip on my chin, nor did I heed the way his form tensed up for each new word which sprung out from between my lips.

"You twisted, fucking monster. Do you seriously expect me to choose either? To either spread my legs before a fucking monster like you or to help you commit more of your fucked up crimes. Just how badly is your fucking brain damaged, Michael? Did mommy drop you one too many times? Or perhaps daddy spanked your sorry ass a little bit too hard? And seriously! Choose what I want? Are you actually serious right now? Who in their fucking right mind would even want either option? You know what, no! That's my fucking answer. I won't play your petty games anymore. I won't..."

That's as far as my loud mouth got before he cut me off. It happened in an instance. One moment he was holding my chin, the next moment that very same hand was wrapped around my throat, and he squeezed. He squeezed so damned hard, I just couldn't breathe. I couldn't even let out any damned wheezing sounds when he blocked the passage of air with his large hand.

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