Beyond your darkness

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"B.... ..... ... I'll.... .... ..."

"Pri....s ... .... wa.. .p.... .... n...."

"... go... ... .... ....u... .... lo... ... y.... ..."

The distinct taste of bile was the dominant flavor in my mouth as well as one of the initial sensations I took note of when I woke. Though in all honesty, the broken-up notes of his voice was actually the very first obersvation to break through the thick haze that seemed to surround me on all sides.

Wha...? that...?

I couldn't quite figure out who was talking to me, I only knew that I knew him from somewhere? Him, because the voice was distinctly masculine.

From... ... ... .... Jarrod...? Is that you...?

No... that's not right... ... ...

... ... this isn't right... ... ...

that's not him... ...

"... h..w ....e .... y... ...."

He sounded so very, very far off, almost as if I was stuck deep underwater and this strange man was calling out to me from way up above, from the surface. I could barely hear his voice, let alone start to make sense of any of the words before they were drowned out by this roaring silence. And that was it, darkness swallowed me up, pulling me back underneath its heavy weight once more.


... .... .... ... ...


Silence greeted me as the most somber companion when I woke again. I tried to swallow but found the task near impossible due to the lack of spit in my mouth. I was dried out, much like a jellyfish stranded too long on the soft sandy edge of a deserted beach. I needed water to function, and like the jellyfish, I had no way of getting to it. So very close, and yet so far off.

The dull throbbing in my head came to my attention next. It wasn't exactly a full-blown headache, rather it felt like the early beginnings of one.


... ... ...

Several other aches let themselves be known soon after. My hands hurt, the left one a lot more than the right. When I tried to roll over on my side, a sharp pain shot up and stabbed me in my left side, somewhere around my ribs. It made me hiss out loud, a weak sound that almost pulled me into a raging coughing fit as I wheezed rather desperatly for air.

Arg... f...fuck... that hurt...

I lifted a trembling hand up from underneath the thick covers that entrapped me and touched the throbbing spot on my left side once I had gotten my own breath back under control. My side felt sore, almost as if the whole area underneath my breast was covered by this gigantic bruise.

Wha... What the fuck...?

My mind scrambled to make sense of just what had happened to me despite knowing. Well, I sort of knew, or at least I had some vague recollection of the events that had taken place. Michael had tortured me, and sometime along the way, I had passed out due to the excruciating pain. That there, passing out, should have felt like a blessing, but not knowing what the fucked-up monster had done to me in those missing moments was another sort of hell altogether. Something bad had happened. He had electrocuted me, and then... and then...

He threw me down on the ground...?


or... at least I think that he did... ...

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