Wet Delights

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"Take off your clothes."

Michaels gruff sounding voice left no room for discussion. My eyes flickered up from our still-joint hands to search his dark hooded orbs, they gave nothing away. His face was schooled into a bored-looking mask, one which made my stomach churn with unease.

I withdrew my hand away from his hand's sticky grasp, a grasp which had loosened slightly, and held his burning gaze as I started to pull the bloodstained clothes off of my body with my, equally sticky, hands. My bloodstained hands matched his dirty hands, a testament to an ugly deed we had both partaken in despite my own unwillingness.

The slight tremble running up the length of my arms betrayed my otherwise calm exterior. I wasn't sure if Michael took note of my unease until I saw a slight twitch in the right corner of his lips. He had noticed alright and was amused by my attempt to be brave despite feeling so very, very tiny next to him.


Michael soon followed my example and started to undress as well, his hands were efficient at their set task. His bloody clothes were quickly removed only to reveal a muscled torso and equally defined limbs. My eyes didn't stray further down through, I wasn't even tempted to take in the sight he had just revealed. No, I kept holding his burning mirth-filled gaze the entire time I undressed, just as he did with me. It was unnerving as hell, yet I couldn't seem to pull my gaze away from his. I just couldn't look away.

My hands hung freely at my sides when I had finished undressing despite my urge to cover up my naked flesh, but hell would freeze over before I did. I might be trembling, I might be apprehensive and I might be scared. But fuck me, I refused to hide from this monster. I refused to show him that kind of weakness. Even when I felt myself drowning in it. I didn't want this, I didn't want any of it, yet I tried to stand tall despite the desperate urge I felt to cover before him.

Michael dropped the last item of his clothing down to the floor, his white briefs. My breath caught in my throat as he took three steps in my direction, his stride almost predatory in its unnerving grace. His hooded eyes seemed to darken further as his feet ate up the precious distance which had separated us. The laughter that had previously been displayed in his eyes faded away only to be replaced by something uncanny, something which seemed to dissect me under the cold clinical focus that had become his gaze.


He didn't grab ahold of me like I half expected him to do. No, he stopped right next to me, shoulder to shoulder yet never touching. His head turned slightly to the side and tilted downwards as he stared down at me over the straight line of his nose.

"Get in the shower."

The tone in Michaels voice left no room for discussion, not that I usually felt like I had a choice to begin with were he was concerned. Standing up to Michael became harder and harder the more time I spent in his presence. I had felt not only on my own flesh but also witnessed what unspeakable horrors he could create when he used others as his outlet, there was no mercy in him, only carnage. The simple fact, actions reap consequences, had never felt so real as in that very moment. I just couldn't stand up to him, let alone find a good enough reason not to do as he commanded, though there were probably several very valid ones. Besides I actually needed to get clean, didn't I? There was no reason to oppose him, was there? At least not in this, I think? There were more important battles to be had than this one pertaining to the flesh. I had already slept with the bastard so taking a shower with him shouldn't be such a big deal. Yet...

Just move... don't think...

One step in front of the other...

That's it...

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