Parched Flower

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Anything, I couldn't help but hate the stupid word. To hate something which I had, not long ago, been seeking out in pure desperation, and now I was desperate to get away from it, desperate to get away from the very concept of anything.

"D... Don't hurt me."

The words sounded weak, mirroring how I felt locked up inside the jailing embrace of Michael's toned arms. His embrace was unyielding, he would not let me flee from him again. The monster had me, he had me and he had just threatened to do anything to me. He wanted to hurt me, the look in his eyes was just as telling as his words had been.


"Don't hurt you? How contradictory. If you don't want me to hurt you then why would you insist on doing such a silly thing as to try and run away from me in the first place? I do feel a need to hurt the things that I am forced to hunt, you know. So try to run from me again and I will fucking hunt you princess, I will ruin you. But I already made that quite clear earlier, didn't I? There is a reason why I said that running away was no longer an option for you... so stop running... and stop offering me something so deliciously undefined as anything. I can create the most unspeakable horrors from such an offer. The despicable things I would make you do..."

Michael let out an exasperated puff of air before he continued speaking in a much gentler tone of voice than he had previously used. 

"Don't make me hurt you. Make wise decisions and perhaps I won't get to hurt you at all. Survival, it's the name of the game isn't it..."

I stared up into his smiling face, into the smiling face of a true monster. The silence between us stretched just like his menacing smile did. Both grew to become something quite disturbing.

"I'm sorry."

I said the words of repent, my voice sounded monotone when I finally caved and broke the silence, and in a twisted sort of way I actually meant the words. Perhaps not in a way in which would please him, but I was truly sorry. I was sorry that I got caught, I was sorry that I took such a stupid chance, I was sorry that I wasn't strong enough to fight him, to stop him, to stop him from making me hurt her. I was sorry alright, I was sorry in a lot of ways, just not sorry in the way he probably wanted me to be sorry.

I'm so very, very sorry...

"Sorry won't make things right... hmmmm.... ... .... but perhaps sorry accompanied by a kiss will buy you one free pass. So take my offer and be grateful princess. And for the sake of your own health, do make intelligent choices in the future. Because the next time you run, let's just say that you get to choose which toe you won't mind living without... So, be a smart girl, be aware of your current circumstance and act accordingly... or face the consequences. Now, about that kiss..."

I shook my head slowly from side to side, my own body acting before my mind even had a chance to comprehend what I was doing, let alone think about the consequences of the sudden yet stupid choice of denying his request. It was such a small silly thing, a kiss, yet that kiss felt like something else. To give in felt like giving up, I just couldn't do it. I couldn't kiss him. Not now, not like this.

"No? First you beg me not to hurt you, and then you have the audacity to deny me when I offer you a way out... an olive branch..."

I stared up into Michaels hooded eyes as he spoke. The right corner of his lips curled upwards in slight amusement, but there was nothing amusing in the thinly veiled threat which left his lips the very next second.

"I really should take you up on that offer of anything you know... I really should put you in that chair..."

He sounded bored when he spoke, almost as if he was contemplating what to have for dinner and not if he should torture me in place of Grace. All because of my lacking compliance, all because of a kiss, or the lack thereof.

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