Slightly salty

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"Wanna bet?"

Michaels cruel taunt echoed inside of my mind as he pushed me down unto the soft surface of his bed. It wasn't a harsh push, but rather a gentle one. He was being careful in place of his usual rough handling of my flesh. I hated it. It was so far from what I needed at that exact moment. Fighting a gentle hand was a lot harder than biting one that hurt you. He wasn't hurting me. No, he was smothering me, smothering me with the gentleness in his dark eyes.

Please don't make me do this...

I opened my mouth to beg him once more, but no sound escaped. Instead, I let him climb up over my body like he was a predator cornering its petrified prey. I did absolutely nothing to stop his advance, I just let it happen.

"You have no idea do you?"

His vague question lingered between us for the longest time as our eyes drowned in each other's pools, searching for answers to questions that remained unspoken.

I shook my head slowly from side to side, our eyes never breaking contact as I agreed in silence with his sudden claim. A claim I knew nothing of.

"Perhaps that's why..."

Michael mused. The left corner of his lips curled upward, creating a lopsided grin.

"Why what?"

I finally found myself asking him since he literally made no sense at all. But I shouldn't have bothered because my question remained unanswered. Michael kissed me instead of answering me, his lips silencing any further prying into what he had actually meant with his sudden remarks.


I kissed him back. My usually unresponsive lips parted willingly for him. They moved slowly against his lips and even nipped at the tip of his playful tongue. I hated myself for bending to his will without offering up much of a resistance, but in truth, I was just tired. I knew deep down that this was a fight I would ultimately lose. The only difference would be how long I let the suffering carry on before I eventually was forced to let him take what he wanted. So I caved. I let Michael have what he wanted, which was my compliance in this deplorable act, an act I had already fallen victim to once before. An act I had enjoyed against my own will. So, I would let the monster have my body, my body in exchange for shielding my soul the best I could. But in all honesty, I wasn't really doing a grand job of protecting that part of me either. Michael was ruthless in his quest to conquer everything, nothing but victory in our little game would satisfy him. Which meant that I was not only losing, but losing fast.

His tongue traced my parted lips before it entered my mouth. He didn't spar with my reluctant tongue this time, he didn't force her to comply. No, he courted her, he made her bend to his will using the sweetest of seductions, he made her dance with him in the most playful of ways. It left my toes curled and my back slightly arched in its wake. Michael played my entire body, and so far his only instrument had been his tongue, a tongue which made my traitorous core hum to it's devoted tune.

My breath became heavy as a result of his lips gentle touch against mine, and the very air I inhaled became mingled with the taste of his sweet mint. It was downright intoxicating. I hated the effect he had on me. I hated how easy giving into him became because of it. I hated how the critical part of my brain started to shut down as my body took over. It was almost as if I was a puppet, a plaything for a master, a plaything for a puppeteer of horrors. Michael pulled on my strings ever so gently, and yet the result of that gentle pull was a storm which wrenched havoc within my own body, I was utterly defenseless against it, against him.

Michael pulled back from the kiss, his hooded eyes staring down into my flushed face. I felt trapped beneath his giant form, trapped yet never unsafe. The feeling didn't make any sense. I should, by all rights, be petrified. I had seen first hand how he had snapped without the slightest warning. He had snapped and killed Joy that way. He could easily decide to strangle me at any given moment, and there would be no tell to warn me of my impending horror. It would just happen. And yet, despite that fact, I felt safe nestled between the prison of his arms. Michael made me feel safe when he was anything but that.

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