Where They Land

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It wasn't the nightmares, nor the sore muscles or even the reminder of Michael's promise of death and ruin which forced me awake. No, what eventually made my crusted eyelids part was the bright sunlight streaming in through the bedroom windows.

Clammy and hot, that was the wretched state my body was in as I tentatively wrestled myself out of the grasp the drenched bedsheets had managed to wrap around my frail form. My sore muscles protested at every single little movement I made, telling me in their own way that last night had been way too much for them to handle, and I silently agreed. Everything ached, and some places, like the general area around my vagina, actually hurt. Michael had used and abused my body until he was finally content with the ruin he left in his wake.

My head swung slowly from side to side as I surveyed the room, silently looking for the monster himself, only to realize that he was nowhere in sight. Micheal had left me to my own devices, again. Relief of finding myself all alone did nothing to ease the tension out of my shoulders, it actually managed to make it worse somehow.

I... I... I should get the fuck out of here...

The entire bedroom was basked in the warm glow of the sun. It looked so peaceful, too peaceful.

... while I still can...

It's just a matter of time before I lose...

... before he slaughters me too...

I... I... need to get the fuck out...

I crawled out of the bed, my feet barely holding my swaying frame up as I stumbled into the bathroom.

I tried to rush as I used the toilet, thus not bothering with washing anything but my face and hands in the sink. My eyes did a quick dance as they avoided meeting the bloodshot eyes of the ruined girl reflected back at me in the mirror above the sink. To look too closely would be to admit to myself that the haggard-looking girl was me. That wasn't me. I wasn't her. I was something else entirely, I was nothing like her, nothing!


Just breathe...

Take a few deep breaths Soph, then get the fuck out of here!

In... .... out... ... In... .... out... ... In... ... ... out... ... ... ... ... In... ... ... ... ... out... ...

That's it...

Now go...

My equilibrium was almost back to normal when I hurried back into the bedroom, my mind already focused on the task of finding some usable clothes. I needed to get the fuck out of here while I still could. Too bad that the man waiting for me in the bedroom had some other plans.

My feet glued themselves to the floor right outside of the bathroom doorway when my eyes settled on him, Michael. Trembling hands wrapped themselves around my frame on pure instinct, trying to shield my naked form from his prying eyes. I hadn't heard him enter the bedroom despite leaving the bathroom door open just to make sure that I was able to listen for him. I had somehow failed.


The hope of making a quick escape, an escape I hadn't really made a feasible plan of execution for, lay shattered on the ground. I had winged it and thus failed before I even had a chance to succeed to begin with. There really was no way of putting those jagged pieces of a hopeful plan back together again under his watchful gaze. Michael had somehow known that I had woken up. He had known, and he had made sure that I didn't get a chance to do something foolish.

"....because I am always watching. You should know that better than anyone Joy. So girls, behave."

Michael's previous taunt, directed at Joy, echoed through my mind. Michael was always watching. His eyes were always on me even when he wasn't here in the flesh.

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