Chapter one *Evanna's P.O.V*

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It was an early spring morning, i was staring outside the window of the room i was in. The peacefulness was interupted when my friend Blaire rushed in with the biggest grin stretched upon her face.

"Oh jeez, what are you up to now?" I sighed as i rolled over in my bed to face her. She was always full of surprises but always managed to give them away with her smile.

"Oh, nothing... Just flying myself and your lovely backside to Finland when they release you!" She tried to keep a serious face but she ended up bursting into laughter and jumping over to me in excitement and handed me the plane tickets.

"Are you kidding me? How the hell did you afford these?!" I bounced up in my bed, gripping the tickets.

"They're your birthday present! I thought i would do something special this year..." Her voice trailed off as she looked down at the floor sighing to herself.

I slowly crawled off the bed, trudged towards her and hugged her tightly.

"Blaire, it's okay. I'm going to be fine" I hugged her even tighter as she rested her head against my head and silently sobbed.


"Have you packed everythign Ev?" My mother, Liz, called out packed the last of my clothes and squashed down my suitcase and zipped it up.

"Yeah mum! I'm pretty sure i have everything" I trudged out of my room, dragging my huge purple suitcase and old school backpack.

"Aw, i'm going to miss you!" My mother ran up and gave me a massive hug and started sobbing.

"If anything happens or you start the feel the slightest bit sick, you call me straight away, okay?" She let go of her hold and grabbed my shoulders, making sure i was listening.

"Yes mum, i'll also call you as soon as we land and and everynight" I smiled.

"Good" My mother stood back and let go as a car horn beeped repeatedly outside the house.

"That would be Blaire" I grinned and jumped in excitement.

I quickly grabbed my luggage and barged out of the front door, running across my front yard, down to Blaire's car.

"Bye mum, i love you!" I called out as i shoved everything into the boot of the car and made my way to the passenger side.

"Love you too Ev! Please be safe and have fun!" Mum called back out as i jumped in the car.

"I will!" I wound down the window and waved goodbye as Blaire started the car and turn her radio up, pumping "In Venere Veritas", her favourite HIM song.

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