Chapter Eleven

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I woke to a cold breeze whipping around my body. I looked around to see Ville’s faint outline facing towards the window, staring out in to the night sky, softly weeping. I slid out of the bed and stumbled over in the darkness towards him. I rested my hand on his shoulder. He didn’t move, he didn’t even look around to face me.

"Ville, sweetheart, what’s wrong?" I spoke softly, resting my head in the crevice between his shoulders. He didn’t reply, he just turned his head and looked at the bed, I followed his gaze. There, on the bed, was an outline of a body. Curious, I walked over to see what it was. At first I thought it was just some pillows bunched up, but as I got closer, I realized it was a body. My body. I looked down to my face, it was pale, my lips were grey, and my chest wasn’t rising. I was dead. I was staring down at my dead body. Ville staggered over to my lifeless body, standing right beside where I was. He looked down at me, kissed my lips and covered my body with a sheet.

"Evanna! Wake up, Evanna. Please, wake up!" My eyes shot open, Ville was shaking my shoulders, his face full of worry.

"Huh?" I groaned and rubbed my face, my cheeks were damp. I looked over to Ville’s chest, it was damp as well.

"Another nightmare, sweetheart?" The images flashed through my mind again. Me, standing in front of my lifeless body, the tears that rolled down Ville’s cheeks. The pain that flared in those green eyes.

I just nodded my head as Ville wrapped his arms around me, cradling me close to his bare body.

"It’s getting better. It will be okay." He rubbed my back soothingly with his warm hand and gently kissed my damp cheek.


"Good morning sweetheart" I walked out of the bedroom to find Blaire sitting on the lounge across from Ville.

"Morning guys" I groaned, I was still sleepy and my head hurt, my heart ached when I looked over at Ville, that dream killed me.

"Blaire has come to take you shopping today" Ville chirped. They both had a grin on their face. They were definitely up to something, but I was too tired to care.

"I s’pose I better go get changed then.." I sighed and turned around back towards the room.

"So, where are we heading to?" I grumbled as I wound down the window, the cold air blowing across my face, rustling my hair around. My head was still throbbing. I just wanted to spend today with Ville.

"We are going shopping. Also, I haven’t seen you in weeks, I wanted to catch up" The smile on her face showed that she was definitely up to something. Blaire would always ring me a day before she was coming over. Always. She and Ville were planning something but I couldn’t say anything, otherwise she would tell me all of it and I don’t want to know what it is. It would just make me even more hurt.

As I stared out the window, the images from my dream ran through my mind. The dreams seem to be coming back. They stopped for a while there, I was fine, and everything was going so well. I really wasn’t sure what started them up again. Unless it was my mind trying to tell me something… Maybe I’m getting worse? Maybe my time is coming to an end. Ugh. My eye’s started swelling. I had to stop thinking about it; I don’t want to start crying, especially today. Today is supposed to be a good day. But how can I have a good day, if my mind just keeps replaying those images. I shook my head and turned the car stereo up. My IPod was playing "Lose You Tonight". I smiled at the memories it brought back, this was the song that was playing when I first saw Ville at the club on out first night here I Finland. That was the night my life had changed completely, for better and also for worse..

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