Chapter Thirteen *Ville's P.O.V*

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I held her tightly while walking up the stairs. Tears were rolling down her cheek, her eyes never leaving my face. I wasn’t sure what was wrong or what was going through her mind, whatever it was, I just wanted to kiss it away. The look in her eyes made my heart weak. Something was wrong, something heart breaking, something that’s going to hurt..

When we reached the lounge room, i slowly sat down with Evanna still in my arms. She buried her face in my chest; I stretched my arms around and held her as tight as I could. I could feel her tears seep through my shirt. I wanted to ask what was wrong, but i decided to just let her cry it all out. I brushed my hand through her hair and rubbed her back gently with my other hand. I was glad that she hadn’t noticed all of the rose petals across the floor. I was planning on surprising her for our 6 month anniversary. I scattered rose petals across the floor and set up a little picnic up on the roof. But I think that her seeing or me telling her this would make things worse. So, I just kept my mouth shut.

Evanna soon lifted her head up and just gazed into my eyes. Her face was soaked with tears and eyeliner.

"Evanna… what’s happened?" I kissed her cheek, caressing her other cheek with the side of my thumb.

She hung her head down, sobbing. I lifted her chin up with my fingers, making her face level with mine.

"Sweetheart, please. Tell me what’s wrong.." I cradled her face with my hands.

"My.. my mother rang me while we were out.. I never told you this, but I had asked her not to tell me my results from my last check up before Blaire and I flew over here. I didn’t want to know, I didn’t want to stress out the whole trip.. And when I met you, when we got together, I told my mum that I didn’t want to know the results at all. I wanted to be happy with you, well.. I know things haven’t been so happy, but it’s been enough to keep me going. I didn’t want you to worry about me being sick, so I kept this from you. But, I’ve now realized how fucking stupid that is. Mum gave up and told me. Ville, I’m dying. I only have a few weeks left. The doctors want me to go back and try getting more treatment, but I’m not going. I’m dying whether anyone likes it or not, no one can stop it, it’s no use trying. I just want to spend every minute that I have left with you… I’m so sorry Ville…" Her voice broke of as she began to weep. I pulled her in close, she rested her head just under my neck. I tried to fight back the tears of my own but it was no use, I couldn’t hold them back any longer. I closed my eyes tightly, my heart ached more than ever. I didn’t know what to do let alone what to say. We just held on to each other and wept.

I then slowly stood up a while after Evanna had slightly calmed down. I still cradled her in my arms as I took her into the bedroom and gently laid her down. I pulled out a tissue from the box beside the bed and dabbed her cheeks. I rested down next to her on the other side of the bed. We both laid there, looking into each other’s eyes. Evanna slid closer, close enough that our noses touch. My lips brushed against hers as she pulled me in closer. I wrapped my arm around her body while my other hand rested on her cheek, her arms stretched around my back as we kissed like never before. All of our emotions and pain flowing out into this kiss.

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