Whale Hunting

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Yes. This is what I chose to write about. Warning! My writing skills suck, so have fun reading.
It was requested that I have them all do something together (and I chose Whale Hunting??) by deerwolf1234 thank you for the request.

A little note: If you've ever played Assassins Creed: Black Flag, that's what I'm basing the whale hunting off of, if you haven't. Sucks to be you.

Joking, I'll explain it. Basically, you get on a rowboat, where a whale is, and make sure you have harpoons. You aim harpoons at the whale, hit it, and keep throwing them at it by mashing right toggle and the green 'A' button.

"Captain! We brought harpoons right?" Diane asked, frantically searching for the weapons.

Meliodas stood up straight, hands on his hips, and told Diane, "...No."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at him.

"How. Are. We. Supposed. To. Hunt. Whales. Without. Harpoons?!" Diane yelled, shaking Meliodas violently.

"We rough it,"He shrugged, pulling out some daggers.

"That's not going to do much harm against a whale," King told them.

Elizabeth agreed, "Couldn't Merlin teleport some harpoons here?"

Merlin smirked, "I could, but I want to see how you guys handle this situation."

"Really Merlin?" Meliodas asked, sharpening one of his oddly many knives.

"Yes, this can give me some insight if I ever want to go whale hunting," She told her captain.

"Why would you need to go whale hunting?" Ban asked, emerging from the inside of the ship.

"Whale blubber has a numbing effect, and it nulls the effects of magic from the sheer fatness. Similar to how King has to exert more magic when he goes into his human form, it is so fat that his magic has a hard time getting through," Merlin told everybody.

"T-That's not true," King yelled flustered, not wanting his fiance Diane to know the truth.

Luckily for him, Diane wasn't paying attention as she was still searching for harpoons.

"Sir Meliodas, how are we going to go w-whale hunting without the proper weapons? And if their blubber has a nulling and numbing effect then magic won't work on them," Elizabeth fretted, coming to the conclusion that there was no way to kill a whale without harpoons.

Meliodas nodded thoughtfully and turned to Merlin, "Harpoons are essentially spears, right?"

Merlin nodded and turned to King, "Looks like you'll come in handy, this time."

"When am I not needed?" King asked, his ego slightly inflating.

"Hey! I found some extra spears!" Ban yelled, pulling spears out of a crate.

Meliodas looked at King, "Guess we don't need you after all."

"I didn't want to go whale hunting anyway, it's too much work," King complained.

"Elizabeth and King will stay on the ship, while we take the two boats out," Meliodas ordered.

Elizabeth and King agreed, even though King wanted to show off his skills to Diane, and the rest jumped off the ship.

While the ones in the boats were waiting for some whales to come, Elizabeth and King played B.S. with Hawk. (If you've never played B.S. get on that!)

"Three twos," King laid down four cards.

"Bullshit. You laid down one too many cards," Hawk called him out on it.

King grumbled and took the pile of cards.

"One three," Elizabeth put one card in the pile.

"Two fours," Hawk said.

"One five," King said, pulling a card out an placing it down.

"Bullshit. I have all the fives," Hawk called.

King swore and grabbed the pile.

They kept playing like this, until they heard a frightening yelled.

"Hell NoOO!" Ban yelled, keeping a strong grip on the handle of the spear as it was lodged in the side of the whale.

"Ban! Let go of the whale!" Diane yelled from the boat.

"I caught it and I ain't letting go!" He yelled back, twisting the spear causing great pain to the whale.

Meliodas cupped his hands around his mouth, "C'mon Ban! You can do it!" He jumped off the boat, dagger in hand, and landed near Ban.

Stabbing his dagger in, he sliced down the side of the whale. He held on, his feet gazing the water, and climbed back up to Ban.

The whale retaliated and brought his tail up. Slamming it into the water, he tried to shake Ban and Meliodas off.

He failed, but there grip wasn't as strong as before.

Preparing to dive under water, he glared at the two boys who were stabbing into his back.

When Ban and Meliodas were making the whale bleed, they weren't expecting to go underwater.

Meliodas choked and swam up, breaking through the barrier of water he coughed and took deep breathes in.

Ban however, kept holding on. The whale was starting to get annoyed and swam in various patterns in attempts to shake him off.


"How'd whale hunting go?" Elizabeth asked when they got back.

Meliodas smiled and held up some whale meat, "After I let go of the first whale, Diane and Merlin had already killed the second one."

"And where's Ban?" King asked.


Ban swam around the baby whale, while the first whale was already planning on how to kill him.

Being immortal, he didn't need air, he just had a habit of breathing.

"Can you go away now?" The whale asked.

Ban looked at him with tears in his eyes, "But I found my true home.


I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote this, but I hope you enjoyed reading

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