Howzer x Selion

576 13 23

Author: This was requested by Disgrace_to_humanity I am so so so sorry for my recent absence. I've been very busy with my other books and school and drama and people and ughhhh it's been tiring.

Author: Good news however, I will be accepting request again (not like anyone still reads this book) so feel free to make some requests!

King: Hehehe yes yes, ship

Diane: Jeez King, what was with that laugh?

King: W-What laugh? It was Hawk laughing, not me

Hawk: Don't drag me into this you weirdo. I choose skip. Can I have my scraps now?

Meliodas: I guess so

Zeldris: Why'd you take away his scraps?

Meliodas: I had to get him to participate somehow

Merlin: I see, this is a very interesting ship. But I'll skip, it doesn't seem like it would work out

Diane: I'll skip

Zeldris: I don't even know these people. Skip

Meliodas: Skip. Hawk, stop eating so loudly

Hawk: Let me eat in peace!

Escanor: S-Skip

Elizabeth: Skip. Sir Howzer already has someone he likes, and as much as he should move on, he probably won't

Gowther: Odd that Ban hasn't said anything, but I'll ship. Using data from my previous encounters with Howzer, he might like anyone who puts others first

Author: Ban? You good there?

Ban: Yeah I'm fine, skip

Author: You havent skipped since the last time we shipped someone with you. You sure?

Ban: Why wouldn't I be? Now, I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving!

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