King x Sariel

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Author: This was requested by Sarnado

Author: My friend booplecatfish wrote this chapter for me. So go check out their profile and vote and comment on their book, that me and them are collaborating on I promise it's worth your time

Breezy: I a m  b o o p l e c a t f i s h  a n d  I  m a d e  t h e s e  c h a p t e r s  g o o d  d a y -

King: I- w h a t . W h y .

Sariel: Uhm.... May I ask why someone requested this?

Author: Because they did- because they wanted to see how you would react

Ban: Hmmmm... Understandable, have a nice day

Meliodas: Ah yes, the floor here is made of floor

Gowther: Is the floor really made of floor though, Captain?

Meliodas: Wait what?

Diane: He asked if the f l o o r  w a s  m a d e  o f  f l o o r , C a p t a i n

Zeldris: How did you all defeat us when you act like this-

King: Because me and Merlin are probably the only sane people

Zeldris: w e l l  o k a y

Meliodas: Did he just-

Zeldris: You heard nothing

Sariel: Uhmm... that happened

Author: Just react the the ship and act like crackheads later.

Diane: I kinda ship it

King: First of all, w h y ? Second of all, I don't ship it

Sariel: Yeah, no, why would someone ship this?

Merlin: I'll ship this one, for science you could say

Escanor: If Miss Merlin likes it, then I'll ship it too

Gowther: I think I'll skip this one

Ban: Ship

Meliodas: I'll ship it

Elizabeth: I ship it too

Hawk: I'll say skip on this one

Zeldris: I would ship it to annoy the Archangels, but skip. I have reasons to, don't question me

Author: *insert lenny face*

Zeldris: nO-

King: What just happened...?

Author: Don't worry about it. Anyways, I'm out

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